Makerspace Micro Courses Programme description

Programme name, Norwegian
Makerspace Micro Courses
Valid from
ECTS credits
0 ECTS credits
1 semester
Here you can find an example schedule for first year students.
Programme history


The study program consists of micro-courses that are short, and skills-based courses that give students a basic understanding of some of the techniques and equipment often associated with Makerspaces.

Admission requirements

Higher Education Entrance Qualification.

Content and structure

The courses at Makerspace Micro Courses are designed to be complementary to any professional education and are developed by a network of departments and sections, most of them located at Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (TKD). They provide opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration across departments and faculties. 

Moreover, these courses facilitate cross-collaborations between students from life-long learning, bachelor, master and PhD students at OsloMet. The courses can be taken by students from all study programs, and by individuals that want to continue their education for personal and/or professional development.   

The program is designed to fit an audience of all levels of tech experience and backgrounds. A hands-on learning experience is provided through practical exercises and workshops both online and on campus at the OsloMet Makerspace and AI Makerspace facilities.

Since the Makerspace Micro Courses is not bound directly to any specific academic degree, it is used as a launching platform for educational activities in emerging technologies. More courses are certain to emerge in the future.  

For details see course plans.

Optional course Spans multiple semesters

Teaching and learning methods

The micro-courses are asynchronous and module-based such that participants can take the modules in the order of their choice. 

Parts of the courses are also online, and can be adapted to students who, due to their place of residence or life situation, do not have the opportunity to study permanently at the university.

The program uses Canvas as a learning platform, whereas Zoom or Teams is used for digital teaching. Digital teaching will alternate between live lectures and digital learning resources.

For more details see course plans.

Other information

You can contact us by e-mail if you have questions about these courses.