MABIO4210 Methods in Biochemistry and Cell Biology Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Biokjemiske og cellebiologiske analysemetoder
Study programme
Master´s Programme in Health and Technology - Specialisation in Biomedicine
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The course forms a theoretical and practical basis for assessing choices and methods that are relevant both in current and future medical diagnostics and research. This comprises immunological, biochemical, cell and molecular biology methods. A selection of these methods are used in the practical work.

Recommended preliminary courses

  • The course builds on MABIO4110 or the equivalent.
  • Basic technical laboratory skills in methods in biochemistry and cell biology at bachelor’s degree level.

Required preliminary courses

Students must have been admitted to the Master’s Programme in Health and Technology - Specialisation in Biomedicine.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • understands and is capable of explaining a range of biochemical and cellular biological methods, their possibilities and limitations
  • understands the term proteomics, the principle behind selected analytical methods and their applications
  • can describe different advanced microscopy techniques, principles and areas of application
  • understands the principle behind different methods of preparation of transgenic animals, and can explain the laws and regulations that regulate the production of such animals


The student

  • can assess the suitability of selected biochemical and cell biological methods and their strengths and weaknesses in an independent manner
  • can use and critically interpret results from selected methods in the field of biochemistry and cell biology in an independent manner
  • can conduct bio-informatic searches in web-based sequence databases
  • can present research results in a scientific manner

General competence

The student

  • can critically assess relevant methods in biomedical research and diagnostics
  • can design an experiment in biochemistry and cell biology

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods used include lectures, student presentations, seminars and skills training in the form of laboratory work. Digital learning resources will be made available to students in advance and some of the teaching will be organised as flipped classroom.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to take the exam:

  • attendance at the course introduction
  • minimum attendance of 80% at seminars
  • minimum attendance of 80% at laboratory courses
  • individual lab report based on specified criteria.


Individual oral exam, up to 30 minutes.

The exam can be taken in English or a Scandinavian language.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Simple handheld calculator.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F


All answers are assessed by two examiners. An external examiner is used regularly, at a minimum of every third completion of the course. When selecting answers for external evaluation, a minimum of 10 percent of the answers shall be included, with no fewer than 5 answers. The external examiner’s assessment of the selected answers shall benefit all students.

Overlapping courses

10 credits overlap with MABIO4200 Biochemical and Cell Biological Methods.