Brukerkonto og passord | Semesterstart - Student

User account and password User account and password

User account provides you access to services and systems at OsloMet. Read more about username, password and PIN code.
  • Change passord?

    Your password is the same for all systems at OsloMet, such as e-mail, Canvas, Studentweb, Feide login and OsloMet computers.

    Forgot your password?

    To order a new temporary password via SMS at

    • Login by using ID-porten.
    • If you cannot use ID-porten, login by using your personal e-mail registered in Studentweb.

    Change your password?

    Login to (Go to: My Account -> Change password)

    Requirements and recommendations for password

    • The new password must be at least 16 characters long. Use normal words, spaces and sentences that are easy to remember rather than special characters.
    • Create  a unique password - don’t use it elsewhere.
  • Username

    Your username is used for logging into all systems at OsloMet and Feide login (, e-mail, Canvas, Studentweb, OsloMet computers, etc.).

    • The username is in the form "abcde1234".
  • Two-factor authentication

    Activate two-factor authentication

    You must activate two-factor authentication through the Microsoft Authenticator app to access all OsloMet system and services.

    New mobile phone?

    If you´ve bought a new mobile, or having problems with the Micrososft Authenticator - please reset your two-factor app on

  • PIN (4 digits)

    Why do I need a PIN code?

    Your personal PIN is used to get access to buildings and rooms together with your student card.

  • E-mail, storage, access to Wi-Fi and remote access

Contact IT Service Desk

Contact IT Service Desk

IT Service Desk

Phone :
(+47) 67235555
E-mail :
Place/Address :
Time/Opening Hours :
Weekdays 08-18:30 (Fridays until 17:00)
Weekdays 09-16:00 (Fridays until 15:00)

Sommer 2024

Phone :
67 23 55 55 (Åpent fra 08-15:00 i perioden 24. juni - 31. juli)
E-mail :
Place/Address :
Time/Opening Hours :
Kjeller: 1. juli – 31. juli, P48: 24. juni – 9. august

Åpningstider sommer: - Telefon er åpent 24. juni til 31. juli, kl. 8-15 - AV-utlånet er stengt fra 19. juni til 9. august, med mulighet for innlevering av utstyr frem til 21. juni. - P48 skranke er stengt 24. juni til 9. august - Kjeller skranke er stengt 1. juli til 31. juli