Written examinations with invigilation - Student

Written examinations with invigilation

template.back.to.overview Written examinations with invigilation

Written examinations with invigilation are examinations that are arranged at one of the university's examination premises and where invigilators are present during the examination. Written examinations include both examinations with pen and paper and digital examinations.
  • Time and place of the examination

    Attendance: Information about the time and location of the exam can be found on Studentweb (fsweb.no) under "Active courses." The examination premises will be announced one week before the exam.

    Most school exams are held at Silurveien 2, where there are rooms with stationary PCs that exam candidates use during the exam. Where is Silurveien 2?

    The exam room opens 30 minutes before the exam starts, and you must be present no later than 15 minutes before the exam begins

    After you have taken your assigned seat, you are not allowed to leave without permission from the exam invigilators.

  • Delayed or unable to attend

    If you are delayed for various reasons, you can still enter the examination venue for up to 60 minutes after the exam has begun. However, you will not be compensated with extra time if you are delayed.

    If you fail to attend the exam at the scheduled time, you will be marked as "absent," and this counts as one exam attempt.

  • Proof of identity

    You must present valid identification in order to take the exam. Valid forms of identification include:

    • Student ID card
    • Driver's license
    • Bank card with a photo
    • ID card
    • Passport
  • What can I bring to my seat?

    You can bring:

    • Identification
    • Writing materials (pen, etc., no paper)
    • Permitted aids
    • Food and drink

    All other personal belongings must be placed in the designated area in the exam room.


    • It is not allowed to bring your own blank sheets of paper, notes, or books to your seat, even if the exam has not started. Only sheets distributed by the exam invigilators on the exam day are permitted.
    • Mobile phones must be turned off when you enter the exam room, along with all types of watches, and must be placed in the designated area.

    Violation of these rules may result in suspicion of attempt at cheating.

  • Examination support materials

    You must familiarize yourself with which aids you are permitted to use during each exam. The course plan for the subject for which you are taking the exam contains information on permitted aids. It will also appear on the front page of the exam paper. You are responsible for obtaining the permitted aids. It is not permitted to borrow study materials from other students during the exam.

  • Breaks

    You cannot leave your seat unless accompanied by an exam invigilator. Always follow your invigilator's instructions. It is not permitted to communicate with others about academic or potentially exam-related topics.

    Rules for exams are determined by the Regulations on Studies and Examinations at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University (lovdata.no).

  • Information applicable to written examinations with pen and paper

    Candidate number

    • You should not write your name on your answer sheet. The exam should be anonymous.
    • Write your candidate number on the answer sheet. You can find your candidate number in Studentweb (fsweb.no) no later than one week before the exam date, but you can also ask for the number in the exam room.

    Examination sheets

    • You may only use the rough paper and examination sheets that are handed out on the examination premises. OsloMet uses examination sheets with three-layer carbon copies. You submit the two first copies and keep the last one as your own copy. Please note that you are not allowed to submit rough papers; these will NOT be sent for assessment.

    • You must use blue or black biro or hard felt pen on the examination sheets so that the copies are readable.

    Completing and submitting the answer paper

    • You only have the time stipulated for the examination to write your paper.

    • You are given 15 minutes after the stipulated examination time to sort your paper, and include candidate number, page numbers and the total number of pages. This is your own responsibility.

    • Please notify the invigilators when you are ready to submit youre examination paper.

    • Examination answer papers that are not ready after the extra 15 minutes will not automatically be assessed.

    • Hand drawings (scantron) as part of a digital exam are not considered a paper exam. No extra 15 minutes will be given to fill out hand drawings (scantron), and they must be completed and ready for submission by the end of the exam time.

  • Information applicable to digital examinations

    Check that your username and password work

    Familiarize yourself with Inspera

    • We recommend that you take a demo test before the exam day to familiarize yourself with the design and text tools in Inspera.
    • You can write in the demo test, but what you write will not be saved.
    • Try the demo test here (inspera.no)! (Right-click and open the link in a new tab)

    On the examination day

    1. Log in to Inspera (inspera.oslomet.no).
    2. Go to "My tests," click on your exam, and then click on "Open test."
    3. The invigilator will read the opening speech about 15 minutes before the exam starts. After that, the PIN code to open the exam will become available.
    4. Enter the code wait for the exam to open.
    5. Notify an exam invigilator immediately if you have trouble logging in.

    Completing and submitting the exam

    • When you are ready to submit your answer, click on "Submit."
    • When the exam time is up, you will no longer be able to write on the assignment, and you will automatically be taken to the submission page. Remember, you must click on "Submit!"
    • Important: Check your archive to ensure your answer is saved and submitted after the exam.

    View your answer

    • You can access the answer you submitted by logging into Inspera and going to "Archive."
    • Normally, the answer will be available once the exam is finished.

    Useful information

    • Two-factor authentication is not required for school exams at Silurveien 2.
    • You do not need to write your candidate number, page numbers, date, or course name on your answer. It will be added automatically.
    • You will not see page numbers but the word count. One page of text on paper counts for about 400-450 words.
    • It is not allowed to use a wireless mouse, wireless keyboard, or other wireless digital tools you bring yourself.
    • Candidate number and remaining exam time are always available during the exam, in the top left corner.
    • You will normally be provided with scratch paper as needed during a digital exam.
    • You can change the language in Inspera by clicking on the "gear icon" in the top right corner after logging in. This is relevant for those taking the exam in Nynorsk.

    Rules for exams are determined by the Regulations on Studies and Examinations at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University (lovdata.no).

  • Hand-drawings in Inspera

    During a digital school exam, there may be a need to draw by hand. If this feature will be used in your exam, you will be informed in advance. Hand drawings for digital school exams must be completed by the end of the exam time. If you have not filled in the codes before the exam time is over, you risk that they will not be sent for grading. Here is how to use the sheets you receive when submitting a digital exam with hand-drawings. 

The Central Examination Office

The Central Examination Office

The Examination Office answers practical questions regarding written examination with invigilation at Silurveien and special arrangements for exams.


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