PHVIT9570 Behovsidentifisert forskning Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Needs Led Research
Ph.d.-program i helsevitenskap
5.0 stp.


This course adopts a basis and critical perspective of Needs Led Research. The process linked to the first step in the research pathway dealing with the identification and prioritization of research issues. Needs Led Research is characterized by two parallel processes; user involvement and identification and verification of evidence gaps by systematic searches in databases.

User involvement is characterized by processes in which users/stakeholders (eg patients, relatives, health workers) suggest, discuss, prioritize and agree on research questions they consider important. Several framework and methodologies for user involvement in research exist, of which the most relevant ones will be focused on in this course.

Identification and verification of evidence gaps, being the core of evidence-based research, is based on a systematic and transparent review of existing research in order to guide new studies in answering relevant and valid research questions. The course will focus on how to identify, verify and document evidence gaps by systematically searching the existing evidence.

The course will be run as a five-day course over a period of three months.


Admission requirements

This course is primarily aimed at PhD candidates admitted to the PhD Programme in Health Sciences but is also open to other applicants. Admission requirements are a completed hovedfag, master's degree (120 ECTS credits) or equivalent qualification.

The course can also be offered to students who have been admitted to the "Health Science Research Programme, 60 ECTS", by prior approval from the supervisor and based on given guidelines for the research programme.


On completion of the course, the PhD candidate has achieved the following learning outcomes, defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and competence:


The PhD candidate:

  • has an outstanding insight into the most relevant methodologies for user involvement in decision-making processes for identifying relevant research questions
  • is at the forefront of knowledge about how to identify and verify evidence gap.


The PhD candidate can:

  • identify, facilitate and use the most suitable methodology in which users/stakeholders suggest, discuss, prioritize and agree on research questions they consider important, in a given context/study
  • identify, verify and document evidence gaps by systematically searching the existing evidence, that is, conducting literature searches and selecting relevant and high-quality articles

General competence

The PhD candidate can:

  • utilize processes for user involvement, as well as identification and verification of evidence gaps, in order to identify relevant and unanswered research questions.
  • facilitate Needs Led Research in close collaboration with the relevant field of practice
  • develop project management and communication skills.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Work and teaching methods consist of lectures, seminars, small group work and discussions, self-study, and practical exercises. In the seminars the students will present and discuss the status of their work and progress in plenary sessions.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter


Vurdering og eksamen

Individual home examination, to be submitted no more than two weeks after the end of the course. The candidates must submit an essay, which will describe the background and validation of the Needs Led Research questions to be answered. The essay, consisting of up to 5000 words, must describe the methodology and process for developing the Needs Led Research questions. This includes description of the process for user involvement, as well as the process for identification and verification of evidence gaps.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen



Pass / Fail


One internal and one external examiner will assess the essays submitted by all candidates