PHVIT9540 Medvirkning og samhandling Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Participation and Cooperation
Ph.d.-program i helsevitenskap
Doktorgradsstudium i helsevitenskap - enkeltemneopptak
5.0 stp.


10 credits overlap with MAVIT5200 The Health and Welfare of Migrant Populations, 10 credtis and MAPSD5100 and Mental Health Care with Minority Patients: Migration and Exile, 10 credtis.

The previous Advanced Programme in Mental Health Care at OsloMet from 2018 generally covers academic content within migration and minorities and overlap this course.




On completion of the course, the PhD candidate has achieved the following learning outcomes, defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and general competence:


The PhD candidate

  • is a the forefront of knowledge of conceptual understanding and theories of user involvement and professional input
  • can critically assess how different perspectives of user involvement and professional coordination can be applied in health science research


The PhD candidate can

  • critically reflect on the knowledge base for user involvement and coordination
  • articulate problems that address the complex relationships between individuals, service provision, and society in health science research
  • design a plan for including users in research design

General competence

The PhD candidate can

  • discuss user involvement and coordination as concepts and practices based on critical thinking of empowerment, goal-setting, and relationships between professionals and users
  • communicate and discuss topics from research about user involvement and coordination in the field of the health sciences
  • demonstrate how critical insight generated from studies of user involvement and coordination can be applied in innovation processes

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Work and teaching methods consist of lectures, seminars, and self-study. The outcomes of the seminars are presented and discussed in plenary sessions.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter


Vurdering og eksamen

Candidates must write an essay on user involvement and coordination, based on empirical data and a theory of their choice. The essay must consist of up to 5,000 words and must be submitted no more than 2 weeks after the end of the course.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen



Pass / Fail


One internal and one external examiner will assess the answer papers submitted by all candidates.