PHVIT9520 Intervensjoner i helsevitenskap Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Intervention Design in Health Sciences
Ph.d.-program i helsevitenskap
Doktorgradsstudium i helsevitenskap - enkeltemneopptak
5.0 stp.


This course offers an overview and adopts a critical perspective of research into different types of intervention in the health sciences related to different levels, arenas, population groups and/or individuals. Interventions in health sciences are often complex. The course focuses on methodology in interventions in the areas of health-promoting, preventive, rehabilitative, curative, and palliative measures. The course takes a systematic approach and places emphasis on the process of developing, planning, implementing, and evaluating the effects of interventions. Different types of research design in intervention research will also be discussed.




On completion of the course, the PhD candidate has achieved the following learning outcomes, defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and general competence:


The PhD candidate

  • is at the forefront of knowledge of conceptual understanding and of theories related to research into different types of health interventions
  • can evaluate the usefulness and application of different designs, methods, and processes in research related to health interventions
  • can contribute towards developing new knowledge, theories, methods, and interpretations of positive and negative results of health interventions
  • can evaluate the usefulness and application of relevant guidelines, best practice reports, and different types of systematic review


The PhD candidate can

  • address complex issues related to developing, planning, and evaluating interventions
  • address issues related to the connection between the theoretical basis of interventions, measures, and evaluation
  • address complex issues related to analytical and ethical considerations in health intervention research and is able to challenge established knowledge and practice in the field

General competence

The PhD candidate can

  • present and discuss knowledge about intervention in the health sciences
  • can assess the need for, and initiate, innovations in intervention

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Work and teaching methods consist of lectures, seminars, and self-study. The outcomes of the seminars are presented and discussed in plenary sessions.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter


Vurdering og eksamen

Candidates must write an essay based on a problem of their choice and discuss theoretical and research challenges associated with planning an intervention. The essay must consist of up to 5,000 words and must be submitted no more than 2 weeks after the end of the course.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen



Pass / Fail


One internal and one external examiner will assess the answer papers submitted by all candidates.