MGDE6200 The Teaching of German as a Foreign Language in Norwegian Secondary Education Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
The Teaching of German as a Foreign Language in Norwegian Secondary Education
Tysk 1
15.0 stp.


See the admission requirements for the programme.


After completion of the course, the student has acquired the following learning outcomes, defined as knowledge, skills and general competence.


The student

  • has extensive knowledge of the sound system and intonation of German, the language’s grammatical structure and possesses insight into cultural conventions on the use of the German language
  • has knowledge of language pedagogy and modern subject didactics and knows to adapt them to the target group
  • is familiar with research and development work relevant to the subject of Foreign Languages for years 5‒10


The student

  • is capable of facilitating different work methods that promote exploration, curiosity and creativity in German language learning and in an interdisciplinary perspective
  • is capable of carrying out teaching that promotes the pupils’ digital competence
  • possesses analytical skills with respect to self-assessment and self-improvement
  • will be able to identify and evaluate intercultural challenges, and will be capable of teaching necessary strategies to overcome and reflect such challenges

General competence

The candidate

  • is capable of reflecting on his/her own teaching practice and interaction with other professionals
  • is capable of facilitating varied and adapted educational activities that motivate the pupils’ interest in further language learning and that create good conditions for in-depth learning
  • is capable of integrating the basic skills in the subject

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The Teaching of German as a Foreign Language in Norwegian Secondary Education is a blended learning course with digital learning combined with two periods of campus training one in Oslo and one at Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Germany. Between the face-to-face sessions, there will be online training, with self-paced weekly modules accompanied by regular virtual meetings with teachers and other group members.

There will be weekly virtual sessions in language learning as well as sessions in linguistics and didactics. Some parts of the digital and interactive resources will be based on the platform Dhoch3 (DAAD).

There will be weekly exercises to be completed online as well as the opportunity to interact with other group members and teachers on the platform.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

The following coursework requirements must be approved of before the student can take the exam:

  1. 80 % attendance and participation in face-to-face weeks and virtual sessions.
  2. Completion of the weekly required tasks on the digital learning platform during the 12 weeks of the course. Preparation, attendance and presentation will be 3 hours on average per week. This may consist of e.g. answering questions after reading the required texts, watching short videos, attending online presentations, writing of wikis, participation in forums, writing a group glossary, reflecting on one’s own learning process, taking tests and quizzes etc. The purpose of all assignments is to actively participate in the course, to provide opportunity to interact and share experience and ideas with other members and also use the German language in context and thus improve one’s own language skills. The completion of the weekly assignments is compulsory, and all weekly assignments must be completed before taking the exam. The weekly tasks will be announced one week in advance.
  3. In addition a (digital) portfolio has to be produced out of these obligatory assignments.

The coursework requirements may be revised once if the first version is not approved. See also point 8 in the programme description for further information.

Vurdering og eksamen

The final individual assessment consists of two parts, each counting 50 % of the grade. Both parts must be passed to get the final grade.

  1. The written part of the final examination consists of selected material from the digital portfolio (2000-3000 words). In addition, the student reflects in German on his/her learning process and discusses the assignments compiled in the portfolio (300-500 words).
  2. The oral part takes place online and consists of a conversation (15 minutes) in German on a topic discussed in course 2.

New/postponed exam

The resit/rescheduled exam is organised in the same way as the ordinary exam. Only the part of the exam that is not passed must be resit.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

Examination support material is permitted in part 1 of the exam.


A grading scale with A being the highest and E the lowest pass grade is used. The grade F means that the student has failed the exam.


There will be two internal examinators. An external programme supervisor will be used in accordance with the Guidelines for Appointment and Use of Examiners at OsloMet.