MABY5330 Water Resourse Recovery Technology Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Water Resourse Recovery Technology
Master’s Programme in Civil Engineering
10.0 stp.


This course will provide an advanced understanding of bioprocesses by which water pollutants can be removed. The course will additionally convey an overview and a deeper understanding of urban water resource recovery in the context of circular economy. It will provide comprehensive knowledge about the behavior of contaminants and the processes for their conversion/removal in engineered water systems. The main focus will be on systems analysis and process engineering, as well as on classification and risk assessment of pollutants and water-borne resources.

The students will make use of software such as Matlab, Python, West, Sumo or similar tools.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

No formal requirements over and above the admission requirements.


After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence.


The student has

  • good understanding of the water pollutant and resource classifications in water resource systems;
  • advanced knowledge of biological, chemical and physical-chemical reactor operations to remove water pollutants;
  • advanced comprehension of bioprocess reactor operations in water resource recovery facilities;
  • advanced knowledge of design, optimization and control of water process systems;
  • good understanding of data analysis in water process systems.


The student

  • can use pollutants classifications, describe their impact and fate in the water environment;
  • can conceptualize complex bioprocesses to separate and recover urban water resources;
  • is capable to apply systems analysis methods to water resource recovery processes;
  • is capable to apply process knowledge to build advanced computer simulation models to critically evaluate and select from alternative technologies;
  • has hands-on computational experience to deal with novel scenarios, solve problems and make engineering decisions in the face of incomplete or uncertain information;
  • has hands-on expertise to appraise solutions for eliminating water environmental problems.

General competence:

The student

  • has deep insight into smart water process engineering with links to global sustainable development;
  • is able to infer mathematical description of advanced unit operations and to create advanced computer simulation models of whole smart water resource engineered systems;
  • Is able to solve advanced smart water process design and optimization problems using information processing tools.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The teaching will consist of a combination of:

  • Lectures & discussions
  • Independent studies including video recordings and online exercises
  • Coursework assignment
  • Short laboratory exercises
  • Practical use of tools and software

Live in-person and online lectures will be recorded, and the material will be made available to students on CANVAS.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

One computational assignment reported in 5 pages, in groups of 2-3 students must be passed.

Students who fail to meet the coursework requirements can be given up to one re-submission opportunity.

Vurdering og eksamen

A coursework project that consist of two parts, including;

  1. final written individual report (max. 3000 words) counting 70% of the grade,
  2. An individual presentation of the project (2 x 10 mins) followed by individual Q&A (10 mins), counting for 30% of the grade.

Part 1 can be appealed, part 2 can't be appealed.

In the event of failed or valid absence of exam, the postponed exam will be given as either an oral or written examination.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

All aids permitted.


A grade scale with grades from A to E for pass (with A being the highest grade and E being the lowest pass grade) and F for fail is used in connection with the final assessment.


1) Two internal examiners.

2) Two internal examiners

External examiners are used regularly.


Benedek Plosz