DATA2500 Operativsystemer Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Operating Systems
Bachelorstudium i anvendt datateknologi
Bachelorstudium i ingeniørfag - data
Bachelorstudium i informasjonsteknologi
10.0 stp.


I dette emnet skal studentene tilegne seg en oversikt over hvordan operativsystemer fungerer og lære å forstå prinsippene bak operativsystemer. Spesielt skal de tilegne seg innsikt i oppbyggingen av operativsystemer ved script-programmering med størst vekt på Linux.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

Reference is made to the Regulations relating to Admission to Studies at OsloMet. https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2015-12-15-1681

1) Admission to all study directions in the master's degree programme requires:

  • Bachelor's degree in engineering
  • 25 ECTS in mathematics
  • 7.5 ECTS in physics, solid mechanics, building physics and/or thermodynamics
  • 5 ECTS in statistics
  • An average grade of at least C (according to the ECTS grading scale) on your bachelor´s degree
  • Proof of your English proficiency

2) Special requirements for the study directions:

Structural Engineering

  • Bachelor´s degree in civil engineering, mechanical engineering or marine engineering
  • 20 credits in mechanics, statics or other courses in the field of structural engineering

Building Technology

  • Bachelor´s degree in civil engineering, mechanical engineering or energy & environment in buildings

Transport Infrastructure Engineering

  • Bachelor´s degree in civil engineering, mechanical engineering or marine engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

  • Bachelor´s degree in civil engineering, mechanical engineering or marine engineering

Smart Water Process and Infrastructure Engineering

  • Bachelor´s degree in civil engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering or marine engineering

Up to 40% of study places are reserved for applicants from the international admission.


Ingen ut over opptakskrav.


Etter å ha gjennomført dette emnet har studenten følgende læringsutbytte, definert som kunnskap, ferdigheter og generell kompetanse.


Studenten kan:

  • forklare grunnprinsippene for hvordan et operativsystem organiserer all ressursbruk og gjør det enklere og mer effektivt for vanlige brukere og applikasjoner å bruke en datamaskin
  • gjøre rede for hvilke operativsystemer som er de mest sentrale og forklare forskjellen på dem
  • forklare oppbyggingen av en datamaskin og hvordan operativsystemet styrer den
  • gjøre rede for multitasking, CPU-scheduling, prosesser, tråder og synkronisering
  • forklare hvordan operativsystemet organiserer bruk av cache og internminne
  • gjøre rede for harddisker og filsystemer
  • kunne analysere og forklare konkrete hendelsesforløp når man kjører programvare på og bruker et operativsystem
  • gjøre rede for virtualiseringsteknologier


Studenten kan:

  • kommunisere med og styre operativsystemet fra kommandolinjen på Linux og Windows
  • lage nye brukere og grupper, sette rettigheter for filer og mapper på Linux og Windows
  • bruke pipes og omdirigering til å sette sammen enkle kommandoer til å løse komplekse oppgaver på Linux og Windows
  • løse konkrete oppgaver relatert til operativsystemer ved hjelp av scripting for Linux og Windows
  • bruke scriptspråk til filbehandling, array og hash, samt regulære uttrykk

Generell kompetanse

Studenten kan:

  • utveksle og drøfte problemstillinger om operativsystemer
  • gi anbefalinger om bruk og anskaffelse av operativsystemer
  • raskt sette seg inn i ny teknologi relatert til operativsystemer
  • vurdere og anbefale hvilke script- eller programmerings-språk som er best egnet til å løse et konkret datateknisk problem
  • hjelpe vanlige brukere å løse oppgaver relatert til operativsystemer

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Forelesninger og individuelle øvinger. Øvingene er basert på eget arbeid med veiledning fra faglærer og/eller studentassistent. Studentene arbeider i grupper. Gruppestørrelse på maksimalt 4 studenter.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

Følgende arbeidskrav er obligatorisk og må være godkjent for å fremstille seg til eksamen:

  • 3 gruppearbeider
  • 3 multiple choice-tester

Vurdering og eksamen

Individuell skriftlig eksamen under tilsyn på 3 timer.

Eksamensresultat kan påklages.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen



The Master's Degree Programme in Civil Engineering is a full-time course of study over two years (120 credits). The programme represents a continuation and specialisation in relation to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Civil Engineering

The master's degree programme is designed to meet the national conditions for use of the Norwegian term “sivilingeniør” added to the master´s title.

The programme provides in-depth study and specialisations in the fields of structural engineering, building technology, transport infrastructure engineering, geotechnical engineering and smart water process and infrastructure engineering.

Structural engineering concerns the analysis, calculation and design of load-bearing structures and structural systems.

Building technology concerns the analysis, performance and sustainable design of buildings, including facades and building envelopes.

Transport infrastructure engineering concerns the analysis, calculation and design of modern and future-oriented infrastructure systems as well as smart monitoring and management of existing infrastructure systems.

Geotechnical engineering concerns the properties of soil (sand, silt and clay) in terms of construction technology, and the analysis, calculation, design and monitoring of foundations, excavations and fill, retaining structures, and the assessment of slope stability and the risk of land slides.

Smart water process and infrastructure engineering concerns the design, monitoring, analysis, control and risk management in urban water processes and hydraulic infrastructure.

As for challenges to sustainable development, climate change in the form of increased average temperatures, more precipitation and extreme weather exposes buildings, infrastructures, offshore structures and other installations to greater and more unpredictable stresses. At the same time, society and the authorities place increasing demands on environmentally friendly and sustainable design in the built environment. For the purpose of dimensioning and designing new buildings and infrastructures for the future, we need candidates with engineering expertise at master's degree level (engineers) in the fields of civil engineering, who are also knowledgeable about climate and environmental issues relating to the field.

Candidates holding a master's degree in Civil Engineering have expertise that is in high demand in both the private and public sector. The most relevant employers are consulting engineering firms, contractors, construction clients, municipalities and research institutes. The Master's Degree in Civil Engineering can also qualify students for further studies at the doctoral degree level.

Students who complete the programme will be awarded the degree “Master´s Degree in Civil Engineering”, with one of the following programme options:

-Structural Engineering

-Building Technology

-Transport Infrastructure Engineering

-Geotechnical Engineering

-Smart Water Process and Infrastructure Engineering

The master's degree is awarded in accordance with Section 3 of the Regulations concerning Requirements for the Master's Degrees, issued by the Ministry of Education and Research. Graduates from the programme can use the additional Norwegian designation sivilingeniør.


The master's degree programme is aimed at candidates with at least a three-year bachelor's degree in civil engineering, who want a solid professional and academic extension to their education in the fields of structural engineering, building technology, transport infrastructure engineering, geotechnical engineering or smart water process and infrastructure engineering.

The programme is also suitable for candidates holding a degree in mechanical engineering, marine engineering, chemical engineering or in other engineering fields.


The programme is a full-time programme over two years that consists of a lecture-based component with a scope of 90 credits and an independent project - the master's thesis - with a scope of 30 credits.


The master's degree programme is profession-oriented and adapted to meet the building construction and infrastructure industry and society's need for up-to-date, forward-looking expertise in structural engineering, building technology, transport infrastructure engineering, geotechnical engineering and smart water process and infrastructure engineering.

Structural engineering concerns the analysis, calculation and design of load-bearing structures and structural systems. Bridges, quays, offshore installations and other large building structures are exposed to great loads combined with environmental and climate impacts. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to determine load effects (stress and strain) in the different parts of such complex structures. The study programme focuses on providing the students with solid, theoretical knowledge and applied skills in linear and non-linear FEM analysis, design of structures and structural systems, and service life dimensioning and service life extension of structures. Theory and applied skills are taught in the courses MABY4100 Finite Element Method in Structural Analysis, MABY4400 Structural Analysis and Design, MABY4800 Advanced Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Structures and MABY4500 Durability and Service Life of Structures. Behaviour of structures under dynamic loads is covered in the course MABY5200 Structural Dynamics.

Building technology concerns the analysis, calculation and design of the body of the building, including facades and building envelopes. Climate change and increased focus on resource use and environmental impacts thereby also entail a greater focus on the choice of materials and climate adaptation in connection with the design of buildings. The study programme focuses on providing the students with more detailed knowledge of building physics processes, principles and methods, and an understanding of the importance of the choice of building materials and components in the design of energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, climate-resilient buildings. Here, life-cycle analyses (LCA) and sustainability assessments are important tools for decisions on the choice of materials and building solutions. Theory and applied skills are taught in the courses MABY4200 Building Physics and Climate Adaptation of Buildings, MABY4700 Sustainability Assessment for Built Enviroment, MABY4600 Sustainable Building Design and MABY4900 Timber Building Engineering. Computational fluid dynamics in and around buildings as well as structures are covered in the course MAEN4300 Fluid Dynamics and Computational Methods.

Transport infrastructure engineering concerns the analysis, calculation, design and management of transport infrastructure systems. Roadways and railways are typical transport infrastructure systems and they must be well designed and managed to provide safe and resilient support to traffic that is ever-changing with the advancement in the transport technology and increase in societal demand for multi-modal future-oriented transportation forms. Besides, existing transport infrastructure systems also need to be taken care of to ensure safe functionality. This specialization is built upon the important knowledge and skills of structural analysis and sustainability assessment offered in the common courses MABY4100 Finite Element Method in Structural Analysis and MABY4700 Life-Cycle Assessment for Built Environment. In addition, theory and applied skills in the field of transport infrastructure engineering are taught in the courses SMUA4200 Traffic Engineering and Intelligent Transport Systems, SMUA4600 Geophysical Information Systems, MABY5030 Advanced Pavement Design and Rehabilitation, MABY5040 Advanced Railway Engineering, MABY5050 Smart infrastructure and Asset Management and MABY5060 Managing Infrastructure Projects.

Geotechnical engineering concerns Engineering behaviours of earth materials such as soils and rocks to find solutions for various engineering problems. It is typically linked with hydrological, geological, and geophysical engineering. Geotechnical engineering is not only applicable to civil engineering but also to mining engineering, petroleum engineering, and offshore structures and foundations. Compared with other civil engineering directions, the tasks of a geotechnical engineer comprise more site-based field investigation and laboratory testing to classify relevant properties of geo materials with large variations to engineering design. This specification is fundamentally built upon the deep understanding of soil mechanics which will be taught in the course, MABY5410 Advanced Soil Mechanics. This course will provide a conceptual model for soil classification, cover soil mechanics for simple but widely applied models to the advanced framework and also highlight their engineering applications and typical state of art technics applied in this field. After this course, MABY5420 Geotechnical Site Investigation and Ground Modelling, MABY5440 Geotechnical Models and Simulations, MABY5460 Environmental Geotechnics, MABY5450 Urban Geotechnics, and MABY5430 Foundation Solutions will follow. This study specialisation provides students with abilities to handle tasks through all phases of geotechnical designs; from site investigation and soil testing, to proposed engineering solutions, to design validation at the end, based on solid theoretical knowledge.

Smart water process and infrastructure engineering concerns the analysis, design and management of urban water resource processes and infrastructure. Water is an essential resource with strong links to energy and food production and urban water systems represent one of the largest water pollutant sources globally. Implementing state-of-the-art and innovative technology rather than conventional resource intensive ones is key to adapt in the future. As we move towards a hyper-connected urban infrastructure, data collection, decision support and process control form the need for future practitioners within smart water process and infrastructure. This specialization extends on the existing programme in civil engineering, offering the common courses of MABY4700 Life Cycle Assessment for Built Environment, MAEN4300 Fluid Dynamics and Computational Methods, SMUA4600 Geophysical Information Systems, MABY5050 Smart Infrastructure and Asset management and MABY5060 Managing Infrastructure Projects. The study specialisation focuses on providing the students with solid, theoretical knowledge and applied skills in the field of smart water process and infrastructure taught in the courses MABY5310 Urban pipe Systems, MABY5320 Bioprocess Technology, MABY5330 Water Resource Recovery Technology, MABY5340 Water Infrastructure, Trenches and No-Dig, MABY5350 Sensor Networks and Model Based Decisions Support and MABY5360 Design and Optimisation Projects.

Students are enrolled to one of the study directions from semester one. The MABY5000 Civil Engineering Seminars and Projects as well as the master's thesis will give the students practice in applying their knowledge and skills to relevant issues through more comprehensive project work.

Projects in the built environment are increasingly complex and interdisciplinary. The study programme focuses on teaching students how to use advanced computer programs and simulation tools to solve complex problems relating to their study directions.

The study programme also aims to qualify candidates with the competence to participate in research work in the field. All the courses taught in the second semester therefore include an element of research at different levels. The course MAEN5300 Research Methods and Ethics underpins the master's thesis and provides an introduction to research methods, ethics, and academic writing and dissemination of results.

MABY5900, the master's thesis, is an independent, supervised research or development project in the core areas of the field, and represents further specialisation in either structural engineering, building technology, transport infrastructure engineering, geotechnical engineering or smart water process and infrastructure engineering.

The structure of the programme

The master's degree programme consists of compulsory courses, elective courses and a master's thesis. The course portfolio is composed so that the compulsory courses ensure academic and professional breadth, at the same time as the students are given an opportunity for in-depth study and specialisation through elective courses and the master's thesis.

Specialisation in the field of ‘structural engineering’ - SEB requires the students to choose, in addition to the mandatory courses:

In the second semester, the following two courses:

MABY4400 Structural Analysis and Design (10 credits)

MABY4800 Advanced Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Structures (10 credits)

In the third semester, at least one course between the following two:

MABY4500 Sustainable Concrete Structures (10 credits)

MABY5200 Structural Dynamics (10 credits)

Specialisation in the field of ‘building technology’ - BIT requires the students to choose, in addition to the mandatory courses:

In the second semester, the following two courses:

MABY4600 Sustainable Building Design (10 credits)

MABY4900 Timber Building Engineering (10 credits)

In the third semester, at least one course between the following two:

MABY4500 Sustainable Concrete Structures (10 credits)

MAEN4300 Fluid Dynamics and Computational Methods (10 credits)

In this way, students in both specialisations, i.e. STE and BIT, get the opportunity to also choose some from the ‘transport infrastructure engineering’ elective courses (max. 1 per semester, i.e. in second and third semesters)

Specialisation in the field of ‘transport infrastructure engineering’ - TIE requires the students to choose, in addition to the mandatory courses:

In the second semester, three courses from the following four courses:

MABY4400 Structural Analysis and Design (10 credits)

MABY5030 Advanced Pavement Design and Rehabilitation (10 credits)

MABY5040 Advanced Railway Engineering (10 credits)

SMUA4600 Geographical Information Systems (10 credits)

In the third semester, two courses from the following four:

MABY4500 Sustainable Concrete Structures (10 credits)

MABY5200 Structural Dynamics (10 credits)

MABY5050 Smart Infrastructure and Asset Management (10 credits)

MABY5060 Managing Infrastructure Projects (10 credits)

Specialisation in the field of `geotechnical engineering´ - GEO requires the students to choose, in addition to the mandatory courses

In the second semester, one course from the following four courses:

MABY4400 Structural Analysis and Design (10 credits)

MABY4800 Advanced Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Structures (10 credits)

MABY5030 Advanced Pavement Design and Rehabilitation (10 credits)

MABY5040 Advanced Railway Engineering (10 credits)

In the third semester, one course from the following five courses:

MABY4100 Finite Element Method in Structural Analysis (10 credits)

MABY5000 Civil Engineering Seminars and Projects (10 credits)

MABY5050 Smart Infrastructure and Asset Management (10 credits)

MABY5060 Managing Infrastructure Projects (10 credits)

MABY5200 Structural Dynamics (10 credits)

Specialisation in the field of `smart water process and infrastructure engineering´ - SWAPIE requires the students to choose, in addition to the mandatory courses:

In the first semester, the following two courses:

MABY5310 Urban Pipe Systems (5 credits)

MABY5320 Bioprocess Technology (5 credits)

In the second semester, the following three courses:

MABY5330 Water Resource Recovery Technology (10 credits)

MABY5340 Water Infrastructure, Trenches and No-Dig (5 credits)

MABY5350 Sensor Networks and Model Based Decisions Support (5 credits)

In the third semester, the following course:

MABY5360 Design and Optimisation Projects (10 credits)

In order for students to be formally assigned a supervisor for the master's thesis, all exams from first year of the study programme must be passed.

Students are encouraged to contact private and public enterprises in the region for the purpose of gaining practical training and experience in the fields through a summer job or similar, and to establish cooperation on project assignments.