DATA1100 Teknologi og samfunn for programmerere Emneplan

Engelsk emnenavn
Technology and Society for Programmers
Bachelorstudium i anvendt datateknologi
Bachelorstudium i ingeniørfag - data
Bachelorstudium i informasjonsteknologi
Årsstudium i IT
5.0 stp.


Digital competence is a key factor in ensuring the employability of candidates in all professions vital to our society. This course will provide a fundamental understanding of our digital world. It gives an overview of how technology affects our lives and the way we work, as well as our social structures, work patterns and individual preferences contributing to shaping technology. Social media, digital governance, and eHealth are all examples of how technology has profoundly changed our everyday lives in the last few decades. An understanding of the benefits and limitations of technology is vital in any profession, regardless of field or speciality. In this course, students will acquire the basic knowledge required to harness the potential of technology and recognise its limitations and potentially harmful consequences on work and society. They will learn to identify the opportunities to use technology to foster inclusion and participation in an increasingly diverse and multicultural society. They will practice communicating orally the concepts they acquire in a structured manner.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

None over and above the admission requirements


After completing this course the student should have the following learning outcome:


On successful completion of this course the student understands:

  • the role of technological innovation with regards to consumption, economic growth and sustainable development
  • the idea of digital citizenship, including digital rights and responsibilities, from a local, national and global perspective
  • the democratic principles behind e-inclusion and a universally designed society
  • the basics of information security, including precautions to guarantee safety and privacy
  • the basic ideas behind of algorithms, and how their use may constrain or enable work processes and other aspects of everyday life


On successful completion of this course the student can:

  • evaluate and discuss technological and societal aspects of a case in a specific domain
  • describe and discuss ethical challenges at the intersection of technology and society, including issues of integration, participation and multiculturalism
  • identify, respond to and limit the negative impact of unethical and harmful online behaviour
  • evaluate the possibilities and challenges of technological solutions in various professions relevant to their field of study

General Competence

On successful completion of this course the student can:

  • be a valuable contributor to the design, planning and implementation of new technology
  • be a positive agent of change in their own profession and field of study with regards to leveraging the potential of technology
  • participate in innovative processes involving new and emerging technologies and build skills in anticipating and adapting to technological change
  • reflect on technology use both within their field and from an interdisciplinary perspective

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The course will utilize 'blended learning', with a combination of in-person teaching or guidance, and use of online material. The students will be working on interdisciplinary cases focused on critical reflection.

Arbeidskrav og obligatoriske aktiviteter

5 group submissions

Vurdering og eksamen

Individual multiple choice home exam over 24 hours.

The exam can be taken in either English. 

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

All support materials are allowed for the final exam




One internal examiner will be used. External examiners may be used at the discretion of the course instructor.


Emnet overlapper 5 studiepoeng mot STKD6600, STKD6601, STKD6610 og STKD6611.