Student representatives
Every fall we arrange a conference for all student representatives as OsloMet. Here you will learn everything you need to know.
A lot of the information that is published are in Norwegian, for information in English please do not hesitate to contact the Student Parliament at
What is expected from a Student Representative?
- You should talk to your fellow classmates to know what occupies them
- Discuss relevant topics with you class and inform them when you receive relevant information
- Talk on behalf of your class with lecturers and administrative staff at OsloMet
- Keep an eye on the work OsloMet do for quality in Education, ask for the results of class evaluations and inform your class
- Contribute to a good learning environment in your class
- All student representatives are members of a Student Council at Institute level
- Remember to be on point when talking to classmates and staff
You are the representative for your class in connection with:
- Lecturers, administrative staff and managers on your institute
- The Student Faculty Board. Here cases concerning many of the students at one Faculty are discussed
- The Student Parliament. All students at OsloMet are electing their representatives into the Student Parliament. They are working in cases concerning many students from different Faculties at OsloMet.
Example of cases
- Concerns from students when it comes to a class or teacher
- Schedules
- Literature
- Lecturers
- Learning environment
Quality in Education
Your role as a class representative
Collaborate with the lecturer in charge of a subject on planning evaluations, choosing type of evaluation, evaluating the subject and look at the results.
After evaluating you should inform the class of the results. If something is missing in the report you need to write an attachment to the report with this information and send it in.
If the students have reported issues with the teaching or guidance in the evaluation this should be addressed by the lecturer or the administrative staff in charge. If this is not done you can write a written complaint. For help with this contact the Student Parliament.
How to solve issues and rules
- Solve all cases on the lowest possible level (For example with your lecturer)
- Use the student representatives on the level you need, so Student Council for Institute level, Student Faculty Board for Faculty level and The Student Parliament for organization level. If in doubt on what level to use you can always ask –
- If the case is not solved at the first level, take it to the next level in the organization. Most times this means the leader of your contact person
- Document your work with the case and keep a polite tone in all matters
Tools to work with and solve issues
Most of our tools for Student Representatives are unfortunately mainly in Norwegian. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Student Parliament for assistance. We have offices in Pilestredet 52 and can also be reached by e-mail –