VERB1500 Psychopathology, Pathology and Treatment Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Psykopatologi, sykdomslære og behandling
Study programme
Bachelor's Programme in Social Education
15.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The students learn to identify different symptoms of illness and injury. They will carry out relevant examinations and measurements, as well as practical procedures and first aid at the skills training facilities at the university. The course is taught over ten weeks in which mental health care, psychopathology, and substance-related addiction disorders employ three weeks as a separate block.

Recommended preliminary courses

Completed VERB1300 and VERB1400

Required preliminary courses

The student must have been admitted to the programme.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, the student has the following learning outcomes classified as knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • can describe mental health in a lifespan perspective and diagnostic systems for mental disorders
  • can describe comorbidity, both somatic and mental, in persons with impairments
  • can explain recognised treatment methods for the most common mental disorders and substance-related and addictive disorders
  • can explain how mental and substance-related and addictive disorders may affect an individual's everyday life
  • can describe preventive measures and treatment of mental and substance-related and addictive disorders
  • can explain relevant legislation related to treatment of mental health and addiction
  • can explain symptoms of illness and the importance well-being in a lifespan perspective
  • can explain forms of treatment for somatic illness
  • can describe evidence-based measures to prevent illness and health-promoting behaviours
  • can outline relevant courses of treatment
  • can describe physical and cognitive changes and consequences thereof related to old age
  • can describe symptoms of neurological problems and the effect of illness on a person's health


The student

  • can demonstrate health care procedures in accordance with the VAR-Healthcare (procedure and knowledge database for the health service)
  • can administer lifesaving first aid
  • can map indications of impaired mental health
  • can demonstrate the key principles of and aids used in safe patient transfer techniques

General competence

The student

  • can identify connections between health and illness, including disability and impairment
  • can identify deviation and signs of illness and help to ensure that patients’ health challenges are addressed
  • can present relevant research on somatic and mental health

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching and learning methods include lectures, group work, written group assignments, demonstrations, skills training and self-study. The course is divided into two parts. The focus is on mental health during the first three weeks, followed by somatic pathology and practical skills training at the skills training facilities.

Course requirements

The following required coursework must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • group work in groups of six students with submission of a written assignment of up to 2,000 words on given issues related to mental health. An attendance requirement of 100% applies.
  • two multiple-choice tests on pathology and treatment with a minimum requirement of 80% correct answers per test
  • 100% attendance in demonstrations and skills training at the university’s skills training facilities
  • 100% attendance at first aid course at the skills training facilities
  • one practical test relating to performance of procedures at the skills training facilities


Individual written examination with invigilation on somatic illness and treatment, 4 hours

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

Grade scale A-F


The exam is automatically graded. An examiner will quality assess the automatic grading. An external examiner is regularly involved in the development of the exam questions, at a minimum of every third examination.

Overlapping courses

10 credits overlap with VERN2320/VERND2320/VERNL2320

5 credits overlap with VERN3100(2)/VERND3100(2)/VERNL3100(2) mental health