VERB1300 Anatomy and Physiology Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Anatomi og fysiologi
Study programme
Bachelor's Programme in Social Education
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Knowledge of basic human needs, anatomy, physiology and motor skill development is crucial to health professionals. This course also covers cytology, microbiology, genetics and neuroanatomy.

Social educators need basic skills in observing and talking to children and young people to understand their life and how work with children can be carried out in interprofessional person- and family-centred care. This topic is highlighted in the interdisciplinary teaching activity INTER1100 The Same Child - Different Arenas, a scope of work corresponding to 1.5 credits. INTER1100 addresses the learning outcomes marked with an asterisk (*) and written in italics.

Required preliminary courses

The student must have been admitted to the programme.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, the student has the following learning outcomes classified as knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • can describe the structure and function of the body
  • can explain basic human needs
  • can describe the most important principles of hygiene
  • can present important aspects of microbiology
  • can describe the structure and functioning of the cell
  • can describe the structure and physiology of different organ systems with a particular focus on neurology
  • can describe normal motor skill development and factors that can affect this development
  • can describe normal sensory development and functioning, and factors that can affect this development
  • has a general understanding of childhood and of the processes associated with growing up in a society characterised by social and cultural diversity*


The student

  • can explore girls' and boys' everyday life and their subjective understanding of it*

General competencies

The student

  • has an emerging understanding of interprofessional cooperation with children, young people and their families*

Teaching and learning methods

Teaching and learning methods include lectures, seminars, group work, written assignments, a multiple-choice test and self-study.

Two seminar days, digital learning resources and conversation and observation assignments related to interprofessional group work and self-study are part of INTER1100 The Same Child - Different Arenas.

Course requirements

The following required coursework must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • 80% attendance at seminar
  • One multiple-choice test with a minimum of 80% correct answers by the given deadline
  • required coursework as described under INTER 1100 https://uni.oslomet.no/interact/


Individual written examination with invigilation, 4 hours

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

Grade scale A-F


All answers are assessed by one examiner.

An external examiner is used regularly, at a minimum of every third completion of the course. When selecting answers for external evaluation, a minimum of 10 percent of the answers shall be included, with no fewer than 5 answers. The external examiner’s assessment of the selected answers shall benefit all students.

Overlapping courses

10 credits overlap with VERN1500/VERND1500/VERNL1500