SYKK1110 Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi
Study programme
Bachelor's Programme in Nursing
15.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


In the course anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, you will acquire knowledge about the body's anatomical structures, the structure of organs and their physiological processes. An understanding of the normal is necessary to be able to observe and assess the abnormal. The course forms the basis for the nurse's ability to observe clinical signs and deviations from them, and to understand the pathophysiology of various diseases and pharmacological treatment.

In the course, you will also learn about the lifestyle, virulence and mode of infection of microorganisms. You will also learn about the body's normal flora, antibiotic resistance, and prevention of infections.

This is important so that nurses can assess the consequences of illness or injury and understand the different needs of patients.

Required preliminary courses

Admission to the programme.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and general competence:


The student can

  • name anatomical structures and organs in the human body
  • describe where organs are located in relation to each other
  • describe anatomical structure in terms of
    • macroanatomical: organs and organ systems
    • microanatomical: cells and tissues
  • describe the function of different organs and organ systems in the body
  • describe normal physiology in the various organs and organ systems
  • describe regulation mechanisms and homoeostasis in a healthy body
  • distinguish between the structure and characteristics of different types of microorganisms
  • describe how different microorganisms influence health and disease
  • can describe preventive measures to avoid antibiotic resistance


The student

  • can disseminate basic knowledge of human anatomy and organ systems and of physiological and biochemical processes
  • can convey knowledge about biochemical processes

General competence

The student

  • recognises the importance of knowledge of the topic for practising professional nursing

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, group work, seminars, written assignments, supervision, multiple choice assignments and self-study.

The flipped classroom is used as a teaching method for part of the course. Digital learning resources will be made available in advance.

Course requirements

The following must have been completed and approved in order for a student to take the exam:

  • Participation in seminars - compulsory attendance of 80% at seminars.
  • Multiple choice assignments - 60% correct answers on digital multiple-choice tests.
  • Oral presentation, groups of 3-5 students, each study group is awarded an issue in microbiology to be presented at a seminar.


Supervised individual written national exam.

  • 4 hours.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

Gradert skala A-F.


National examination body (two examiners).

Overlapping courses

  • 12 ECTS overlap with SYKK1100/SYKP1100, SYBA1010, SYBAS1010 og SPH1230 Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, 12 ECTS.
  • 3 ECTS overlap with SYKK/SYKP1200 Microbiology and Infection Control, 5 ECTS
  • SYKK1110 and SYKP1110 are fully overlapping.