SMUA4500 Inclusive Sustainable Smart Cities Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Inclusive Sustainable Smart Cities
Study programme
Master's Degree Programme in Transport and Urban Planning
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The current Smart City paradigm is characterized by a human-centric approach, in which a variety of technological tools help to improve quality of life for people. The main aim of the smart city is to enhance the existing built environment, through a circular management of resources shaping sustainable cities. Nowadays smart cities are geared towards facing future multifaced environmental, social, economic and political challenges of societies. Residents are coming to the forefront in the co-creating of cities, expressing their needs with increasing interest and influencing the design of livable, sustainable cities.

Citizen Science, defined as the participation of the general public in the urban planning process with digital tools and through modern information and communication technology (ICT) has been developed as a strategy for people to integrate civilians’ ideas and wishes in the urban planning process. It adds human observation, cognition, experience and local knowledge into a scientific scheme that improves the planning, design, management and transformation of cities as a bottom-up approach where public stakeholders are key factors for better building together Smart Cities. Achieving sustainable, smart cities, frameworks such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), or the New Urban Agenda (UN Habitat III) have proven as solid guidelines over the years. Inclusive sustainable smart cities also foster the creation of just cities.

The main focus of this course is to gain an understanding of smart cities and connect it to the debate of sustainable cities and public engagement in theory and practice using digital tools. Further, to assess in a systematic manner smart cities (SCA) and apply digital participatory practices, aimed at increasing a greater sensitivity to the planning and design process of smart cities to shape policies. This, from the broader paradigm of smart cities through a practical application to a case study. This course will strongly collaborate with the course ‘Geographic Information System (GIS)’.

Recommended preliminary courses


Required preliminary courses

No formal requirements over and above the admission requirements.

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the course, the student should have the following outcomes:


Upon successfully completion of the course, the student

  • Has current knowledge on key concepts, approaches and conditions of sustainable smart cities.
  • Can explain and critically reflect on the human-centred approach of sustainable urban planning of smart cities including different approaches to digital citizen’s engagement and participatory processes.
  • Has advanced knowledge of methods for sustainable smart cities.


Upon successfully completion of the course, the student

  • Is able to collect and analyse primary quantitative and qualitative data using online digital tools for crowd mapping with a volunteered geographic information (VGI) approach.
  • Is able to apply smart city assessment tools (SCA) through a case study to evaluate different indicators and stakeholder engagement as well as strategic needs of smart cities
  • Is able to make thematic maps and present analytical results from primary data to approach a problem-solving strategy for a problem statement on the base of sustainable smart cities.
  • Can make thematic maps and create strategies for assessment to approach a problem-solving strategy for identified urban problems and defined questions in the context of sustainable smart cities

General competence:

Upon successfully completion of the course, the student

  • Can apply data analysis as a tool and develop strategies to develop sustainable smart cities using a problem-solving approach.
  • Can communicate with specialists and the public planning problems, analytical results and potential solutions to these
  • Is able to reflect on her/his own role as urban expert, particularly concerning professional and ethical positions and has a strong sense of responsibility for her/his profession

Teaching and learning methods

The course is delivered through lectures, seminars, practicals, excursions, and fieldwork to provide theoretical content and preliminary hands-on experience. The students will be given a group project during the semester.

Course requirements

  • Student must submit three assignments as indicated in the course guide.
  • Student must take a quiz

Students who fail to meet the coursework requirements can be given up to one re-submission opportunity.

Re-submissions will be tailored for each student individually according to the area of under-performance in close discussion with the responsible teacher.


(1) Group project assignment: Project report prepared in groups of 2 students (or more), approx. 20 pages (excl. appendices), weighted 80%.

(2) Oral group presentation of the project, weighted 20%

Grading is individual, which means that grades may differ within each group. Both oral and written examinations can be presented/written in teams. To ensure that individual grading should be possible, each group of students will provide a written and signed statement in where each individual's contribution is clearly stated and explained.

All assessment parts must be awarded a pass grade (E or better) to pass the course.

Assessment parts: 1) can be appealed and 2) cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

1) All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are complied with.

2) None

Grading scale

Graded scale A-F.


1) Two internal examiners,

2) Two internal examiners

External examiners are used regularly.

Course contact person

Claudia Hedwig Yamu, Email: claudia.yamu@oslomet.no