SMUA4200 Traffic Engineering and Intelligent Transport Systems Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Traffic Engineering and Intelligent Transport Systems
Study programme
Master’s Programme in Civil Engineering
Master's Degree Programme in Transport and Urban Planning
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


With the development of connected and autonomous vehicle technologies, the existing transport system is transforming towards the next-generation transport system which is digitalized, automated, and intelligent. This course will provide students with deep insight into traffic engineering, connected and autonomous vehicle technologies, and intelligent transport systems. The main topics covered by this course include traffic flow theory, advanced sensing technology, advanced vehicle control system, intelligent transport system, and other related topics. Moreover, the course will discuss the future development in the transportation area in terms of technology and intelligent management strategies.

Recommended preliminary courses


Required preliminary courses

No formal requirements over and above the admission requirements.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and general competence:


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will achieve knowledge about:

  • terminology and models for traffic flow
  • driver behavior and advanced vehicle control models
  • advanced sensing technologies
  • intelligent transport system operation and management


Upon successful completion of the course, the student is capable of:

  • understanding and applying the proper knowledge and method to collect, process, and analyze traffic data
  • using proper knowledge to investigate the impact of connected and/or autonomous vehicle on the transportation system
  • choosing appropriate method to estimate traffic status and provide corresponding Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solutions
  • making use of approved terminology and standardization within ITS
  • making use of transport simulation software (AIMSUN or SUMO)

General competence:

Upon successful completion of the course, the student:

  • has deep insight into the transport engineering and intelligent transport system areas and will be able to transform theoretical knowledge into practice in different real-world conditions
  • is able to explain the impacts of new technologies on the intelligent transportation system
  • is able to solve ITS-related problems and provide reasonable explanations of the results

Teaching and learning methods

This course will consist of lectures, one seminar (includes invited lecturers, discussions and presentations), and lab sessions to provide theoretical content and preliminary hands-on experience. The students will also be given a group project during the semester.

Course requirements

Two individual assignment must be approved.

Students who fail to meet the coursework requirements can be given up to one re-submission opportunity.


1) Project report prepared in groups, approx. 15 - 20 pages (excl. appendices), weighted 70%.

2) Oral presentation (in the project group) and examination of the project report, weighted 30%.

Grading is individual, which means that grades may differ within each group. Both oral and written examinations can be presented/written in teams. To ensure that individual grading should be possible, each group of students will provide a written and signed statement in where each individual's contribution is clearly stated and explained.

All assessment parts must be awarded a pass grade (E or better) to pass the course.

Assessment parts: 1)can be appealed, 2) cannot be appealed

Permitted exam materials and equipment

1) All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are complied with.

2) None

Grading scale

Graded scale A-F.


1) Two internal examiners.

2) Two internal examiners.

External examiners are used regularly.

Course contact person

Chaoru Lu: chaorulu@oslomet.no