SKOMP3000 Practical Examination in Nursing Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Prøve - praktiske ferdigheter sykepleie
Study programme
Supplementary education for nurses educated outside the EU/EEC
Supplementary education for nurses educated outside the EU/EEC
0.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Passing a professional examination is one of the conditions for obtaining authorization as a nurse. The Directorate of Health has on 05.06.2019 decided that you who complete the education at OsloMet fulfill this additional requirement through SKOMP3000.

The program contains all additional requirements that are required for authorization as a nurse. https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2016-12-19-1732

However, you must apply to the Directorate of Health for authorization as a nurse after completing your education.

Required preliminary courses

Passed course SKOMP1000 and SKOMPPRA1.

Learning outcomes

Based on learning outcomes from the other courses in the education, with a strong focus on areas that are important for patient safety and general competence from the main areas 2 and 3 from the framework plan for nursing education of 2008. In particular:


The student has basic knowledge and skills in acting

• meeting with the critically ill patient

• meeting with the surgical patient (pre-, per- and post-operative)

• meeting with the medical patient

• meeting with the elderly frail patient

Teaching and learning methods

The students are given an introduction and preparation time before the exam itself. The test is conducted in one day.

Course requirements

No requirements other than prerequisites.


Test - Practical Skills in Nursing, consisting of:

  • Multiple Choice 2 hours. 40 questions 60% right for passing
  • Practical test (modified OSCE test), related to surgical, medical and geriatric patient care, as well as emergency medicine. Implemented station-based.

If one part of the test fails, both parts must be retaken.

The tests set up late in the spring semester.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale



Minimum four internal and one external.

The examiner gives points according to predetermined checklists with criteria based on learning outcomes in subject
