SFB4000 Theoretical Approaches to Family: The Knowledge Base for Therapautic Work Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Teoretiske perspektiver på familier. Kunnskapsgrunnlag for behandlingsarbeid
Study programme
Master Programme in Applied Social Sciences - Study Option International Social Welfare and Health Policy / Masterstudium i sosialfag - studieretning barnevern, deltid / Masterstudium i sosialfag - studieretning barnevern / Masterstudium i sosialfag - studieretning familiebehandling, deltid / Masterstudium i sosialfag - studieretning sosialt arbeid, deltid / Masterstudium i sosialfag - studieretning sosialt arbeid
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2020
Course history


In this course, the students will acquire sound knowledge and an in-depth subject understanding of the interaction between society, family and the individual based on different theoretical perspectives. We deal with  understanding the family as a social system, as an institution, as a collection of individuals with individual rights, as functions, practice and display. The concept of family will be analysed as situated in time and space, i.e. normative knowledge about families will be viewed in a historical and cultural context, where the Norwegian Welfare state is the most central context.

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes

A student who has completed his or her qualification has the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student has

  • knowledge of the historical changes in the western family
  • in-depth knowledge of the welfare state and the family
  • in-depth knowledge of children in families, and how gender, class and ethnicity influence the understanding of children, parents and family
  • knowledge of how living conditions influence the everyday life of children and families


The student is capable of

  • reflecting on normative aspects of the family therapy field
  • analysing families from different perspectives
  • analysing children and parents from different perspectives
  • analysing the complexity of the family therapy field in light of different theoretical approaches
  • linking theoretical knowledge and experience from different clinical training situation¿


The student is capable of

  • analysing family-related phenomena from different perspectives
  • considering ethics when research is disseminated

Teaching and learning methods

The course is divided into sections with a selections of corresponding themes in each section. Information about the themes and corresponding syllabus, will be posted on Canvas in due time before the course begins. We encourage students to form study groups to prepare for their active participation in classroom discussions. These discussions will serve as a practice in applying theory on empirical examples. 

Some lectures may be given in English. 

Course requirements



Individual home exam over seven days on a given topic. The length should be 3000 words (10 +/- 10 %). 

Permitted exam materials and equipment

We expect the syllabus to be the main reference in the exam. Other litterature is allowed for support, as long as the student apply a proper reference system. 

Grading scale

A grade scale A-F. 


The exam is graded by an internal and an external examiner.

A random selection consisting of at least 25 % of the exam papers will be graded by both an internal and external examiner. This will inform the grading of the remaining exam papers.

Course contact person

Randi Wærdahl