RAB1350 Basic Radiographic Imaging and Exposure -Theory and Skills Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Grunnleggende radiografi - teori og ferdigheter
Study programme
Radiography Programme
20.0 ECTS
Year of study
Programme description
Course history


Language of instruction: Norwegian

The course deals with radiographic techniques and methodological principles related to conventional radiography. Skeletal and chest examinations make up the majority of examinations. Radiation protection and the principles of practical radiation protection are also an important part of the course. Newly qualified radiographers are expected to carry out such examinations independently and in accordance with professional criteria. This includes meeting the patient's need for communication and care, respond to the patient's illness or injury, and be able to produce and describe diagnostic images.

Parts of the course consists of practical training at diagnostic imaging departments. The practical training focuses on conventional radiography examinations of the skeleton and chest, where students are to gain practical experience of carrying out diagnostic imaging examinations in a satisfactory manner. The practical training gives students experience of both the technical and care aspects of the profession based on relevant theory.

The course consists of 11 weeks of which the first 5 weeks are theory and skills training, and 6 weeks of practical training.

Most of the institutions that make up the external practical training arenas for this programme are located in Oslo and Eastern Norway. The students must therefore expect to commute during one or more of their periods of practical training. Students are assigned to diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy units. It is emphasised that the students should become familiar with the profession early on and that they will have practical training in all three years of the programme.

Students must comply with the clothing regulations in force at the practical training establishment. Special requirements for tests or vaccination may apply at individual establishments.

Required preliminary courses

The following must be passed in order to start the practical training and take the written exam in RAB1350:

  • Passed course RAB1200 Anatomy, Physiology, and Fundamentals of X-ray Images
  • Passed course RAB1100 Radiation Physics and Radiography

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student can

  • describe general pathological processes and the occurrence and growth of microorganisms
  • explain causes and symptoms of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems
  • explain the chain of infection, the hygiene guidelines and how hospital-acquired infections can be prevented
  • describe forms of treatment for relevant diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems
  • explain how to care for patients with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems, including observation, communication and care regardless of sex, ethnicity, religion/life stance, functional impairment, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and age
  • describe image criteria for X-ray examinations of the musculoskeletal system and thorax
  • identify pathology in skeletal and chest X-ray images


The student can

  • apply and master conventional X-ray machines
  • assess and choose exposure parameters for conventional radiography examinations
  • carry out simple skeletal and chest examinations
  • assess which factors influence radiation dose and image quality
  • calculate effective dose based on the dose area product (DAP)
  • perform practical procedures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), pulse and blood pressure measurements and patient handling techniques
  • identify and describe anatomical structures and obvious pathology in images from skeletal and chest examinations
  • describe image criteria and assess image quality for chest and skeletal examinations
  • perform simple image processing
  • apply medical image and information systems under supervision
  • apply relevant hygiene guidelines

General competence

The student can

  • understand and apply the principles of practical radiation protection
  • give grounds for how skeletal and chest examinations are carried out
  • compare radiation doses from conventional radiography examinations with national diagnostic reference levels
  • give patients precise and individually information, take care of the patient and create a sense of security during the examination
  • demonstrate attitudes that are important to professional practice and cooperate with other

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods include flipped classroom, lectures, seminars, skills training and self-study. In seminars, the students work in groups. Digital learning resources will be made available to students in advance, and the time they spend at the university will be used to work on assignments and group work.

The students will complete six weeks of practical training, of which three weeks of external practical training at diagnostic imaging departments. One week of practical training corresponds to 40 hours of study effort. There are no self study days in this period.

Students must comply with the clothing regulations in force at the practical training establishment. Special requirements for tests or vaccination may apply at individual establishments.

Course requirements

To part 1) Assessment of practical training:

The following must have been approved before the practical training starts:

  • an individual practical test in skeletal and chest examinations in accordance with set criteria. The student has two attempts at this test before the practical training starts.
  • a minimum attendance of 80 % at scheduled seminars and skills training sessions


Combined assessment.

Part 1) Assessment of practical training: The assessment is based on the learning outcomes and the continuous assessment that the student is subject to throughout the practical training period. The student’s practical training can only be assessed if their attendance is sufficiently high (90%). For more information, see the general part of the programme description about practical training assessment.

Part 1 must be passed before the student can sit for the exam in part 2.

Part 2) Supervised individual written exam, (combination of multiple choice and free text assignments,) 3 hours

The student must pass all parts in order to pass the course.

Resit assessment/exam: If a student fails the written exam, the practical training is not repeated. If the student fails part 1 (practical training period), they must normally retake the whole practical training period.

Students can appeal the grade awarded for part 2, written exam.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Part 1) Not relevant

Part 2) No aids permitted

Grading scale

Part 1) Pass/Fail

Part 2) Grade scale A-F


Part 1) The midway and final assessments are made by the practical training supervisor in cooperation with the contact lecturer. The final decision on whether to award a pass or fail grade is made by the university.

Part 2) All answers are assessed by two internal examiners.

The assessment scheme is evaluated regularly. An external programme supervisor participates in the evaluation and provides advice on further quality work in the study programme.

Overlapping courses

10 ECTS overlap with RAD1300 and 10 ECTS overlap with RABPRA1.