PSYKPRA2 Exercises Related to Bachelor Thesis Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Praksisstudium knyttet til Bacheloroppgave
Study programme
Bachelor's Programme in Psychology with an Emphasis on Behavior Analysis
Bachelor's Programme in Psychology with an Emphasis on Behavior Analysis, elective modules
15.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


When the students have completed and passed the compulsory courses, they can choose a relevant specialisation from among the different courses offered by the university. Alternatively, the students can suggest relevant areas of specialisation for PSYKPRA2 themselves. The learning outcomes for PSYKPRA2 are also related to the bachelor’s thesis (PSYK3900).

Required preliminary courses

Passed the courses PSYK1100, PSYK1210, PSYK1420, PSYK1700, PSYK1610, PSYK2100, PSYK2200, PSYK2310, PSYKPRA10, PSYK2400 and PSYK2600

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence:


The student can

  • describe the legal basis for the relevant establishment
  • explain the establishment’s professional basis and how the purpose of the establishment is described
  • describe how the establishment cooperates with other parties


The student can

  • communicate with users, next of kin and other partners
  • perform relevant work in a sound manner
  • evaluate measures that have been implemented

General competence

The student

  • is capable of proposing and implementing measures that promote coping or quality of life
  • knows the principles for quality assurance of his/her own work
  • demonstrates academic, relational and professional skills adapted to the establishment in question

Teaching and learning methods

The practical training is taken at an approved establishment and students must comply with the university's general practical training requirements. PSYKPRA2 runs full time over eight weeks. The practical training requires active participation in work at the training establishment, to ensure the optimal total learning outcome in relation to the chosen specialisation.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved before the student’s practical training can be assessed:

  • Participation in teaching activities related to the chosen specialisation (min. 80%)
  • Submission of planning documents for practical training
  • Participation in relevant work at the practical training establishment (minimum attendance of 90%)
  • Compliance with general requirements for practical training
  • Compliance with general requirements for practical training

All required coursework must be approved before the student’s practical training can be assessed.


Assessment of practical training

Grading scale



The person responsible for the course following a recommendation from the practical training supervisor