PSYK3900 Bachelor Thesis Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Study programme
Bachelor's Programme in Psychology with an Emphasis on Behavior Analysis
Bachelor's Programme in Psychology with an Emphasis on Behavior Analysis, elective modules
15.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Professional practitioners need skills relating to independent thinking and problem-solving. The bachelor’s programme concludes with an independent documentation work in the form of a bachelor’s thesis. Through work on the bachelor’s thesis, the student must show their understanding of the connection between theory and practice. The bachelor’s thesis must be written in article form in accordance with the APA standard.

Required preliminary courses

Passed the courses PSYK1100, PSYK1200, PSYK1320, PSYK1420, PSYK1600, PSYK1700, PSYK2100, PSYK2200, PSYK2310, PSYKPRA10, PSYK2400, PSYK2600, PSYK3200, PSYK3400, PSYK3500 and PSYKPRA2.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence:


The student can

  • describe relevant sources for literature searches
  • explain different forms of reporting in accordance with ethical requirements and guidelines


The student can

  • protect privacy (according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR)), consent and confidentiality
  • conduct different types of literature searches
  • formulate a research question in accordance with general requirements
  • plan, conduct and document a study, a project work, or a care or training measure
  • collect and process data
  • use the IMRAD model in reporting and referring according to the current APA standard

General competence

The student can

  • demonstrate practical research ethics and relevant critical thinking in accordance with academic standards
  • disseminate and document behaviour analytic work
  • exchange professional opinions and experience and contribute to the development of the field

Teaching and learning methods

Work on the bachelor’s thesis is conducted full-time over eight weeks. The students work independently on the thesis. A supervisor from among the department’s staff will be appointed for each student.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to submit the bachelor’s thesis.

  • Prepare an outline for the bachelor’s thesis
  • Participate in organised supervision (80%)


Individual bachelor’s thesis with a maximum scope of 8,000 words

On application, students may be permitted to write the thesis in pairs. This is on the condition that they have collected the data together and use these in the thesis.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are complied with.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F


One internal and one external examiner.