PSYK2600 Research Methods 3 - Research Designs and Statistics Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Forskningsmetode 3 - Forskningsdesign og statistikk
Study programme
Bachelor's Programme in Psychology with an Emphasis on Behavior Analysis
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Research methods and statistics play a key role in behaviour and social research, and a basic understanding of methodological and statistical concepts is necessary to be able to read research articles and assess the quality of data and findings.

Required preliminary courses

Passed the course PSYK2100

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence:


The student

  • has broad knowledge of general research methods
  • has broad knowledge of different research designs and validity
  • has knowledge of descriptive statistics
  • is familiar with probability and significance testing
  • is familiar with hypothesis testing, type I and type II errors
  • is familiar with basic statistical analyses


The student is capable of

  • assessing research results from published studies and the validity of the findings
  • designing a good study and completing simple statistical analyses of his/her own data


The student is capable of

  • communicating the basic principles of research methodology, hypothesis testing and statistics

Teaching and learning methods

Work and teaching methods used in the course are lectures, self-study and group work. A seminar day will also be held where students are given practical exercises in using simple statistical analysis and interpreting results.

Course requirements

  • Participation in compulsory teaching activities (80%)


Portfolio exam comprising four tests and a digital, supervised written exam lasting four hours. All four tests must be approved before the student can take the digital, supervised written exam. All the components must be awarded a pass grade before the exam as a whole can be passed. If the student fails one test, the student can retake this test. Resit/rescheduled attempts at the four tests can be taken once before the ordinary, digital, supervised written exam. Before the resit/rescheduled digital, supervised written exam, students will be given a third and final attempt at one or more of the tests.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

A–F. A grade will be awarded on the basis of the tests taken during the course (60%) and the result of the final written exam (40%). The student has a right to appeal the overall exam grade for the whole portfolio.


One internal examiner.