PSYK2310 Behavior Analysis 3 - Experimental and Conceptual Behavior Analysis Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Atferdsanalyse 3 - Eksperimentell og konseptuell atferdsanalyse 
Study programme
Bachelor's Programme in Psychology with an Emphasis on Behavior Analysis
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The course gives students a more in-depth behaviour analytic understanding of human behaviour. It provides a more detailed look at the theoretical basis for using learning principles to solve different challenges.

Required preliminary courses

The student must have passed PSYK1420 and PSYK2200.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence:


The student has knowledge of

  • the connection between applied, experimental and conceptual behaviour analysis
  • labels and categorical errors in descriptions of behaviour and behavioural explanations
  • behaviour analytic understanding of verbal behaviour and interpretation of different memory phenomena


The student is capable of

  • discussing arguments for and against behaviour analytic approaches to explaining human behaviour
  • defining and providing examples that illustrate behaviour analytic concepts


The student is capable of

  • defending a scientific position where the goals are to describe, predict and control
  • identifying different problems encountered when limiting and describing behavioural units
  • describing the necessary considerations when choosing analysis units in experimental and applied behaviour analysis

Teaching and learning methods

Work and teaching methods used in the course are lectures, 'inter-teaching', self-study and student-initiated group work. Seminars will also be held, where participation is compulsory. Here, students will present topics from the syllabus and encourage discussion, and will receive guidance on further reading.

The students’ learning outcomes will be documented through presentations, tests and the exam.

Course requirements

  • Participation at the seminars (80%)
  • Presentation of subject matter/texts

All required coursework must be approved before the student can submit their home exam.


Portfolio exam comprising four tests taken during the course and an individual home exam over four days, maximum 2,000 words. All four tests must be approved before the student can take the home exam. All the components must be awarded a pass grade before the exam as a whole can be passed. If the student fails one test, this may be retaken. Resit/rescheduled attempts at the four tests can be taken once before the ordinary, individual home exam. Before the resit/rescheduled individual home exam over four days, students will be given a third and final attempt at one or more of the tests.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

For the tests: None

Grading scale

A–F. A grade will be awarded on the basis of the tests taken during the course (60%) and the result of the home exam (40%). The student has a right to appeal the overall exam grade for the whole portfolio.


One internal and one external examiner