PRPRO1000 Applied project management Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Praktisk prosjektledelse
Study programme
Practical project management
5.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


A practically directed and flexible course in project management that provides a basic introduction to the project work form. This course guides students through fundamental project management concepts and behavioral skills up to modern and digital tools that are needed to successfully launch, lead, and realize benefits from projects in the construction industry.

This course will also provide an introduction to design management, decision making, coordination, and planning related to requirements from the project site, production, clients, and stakeholders in general.

Recommended preliminary courses

Two years of academic education in relevant topics, or substantial practical experience from projects.

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the course, the student will have the following outcomes, defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and general competence.


Students will have

• basic knowledge of project concepts such as scope, goals, effects, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), project time schedules, cost, and resources planning

• knowledge of project strategies, strategic analyses, opportunities and planning

• basic knowledge of project management, including management theories, role of the project manager and project execution in general

• knowledge of the main categories of project organization structures (project, classic, and matrix) and explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different models

• practical knowledge of project processes, and how to identify and analyze pitfalls and challenges associated with the project initiation phase and know important prerequisites for optimize project success and values for clients and other stakeholders

• knowledge of the most common project control criteria and methods and how to practice them

• knowledge concerning different procurement format including new innovative and collaborative models as well as standard contracts model practiced


Students can

• lead and manage different projects from planning to handover in accordance with established project practice

• prepare realistic project goals and success criteria

• identify and evaluate stakeholders impact on projects

• illustrate how Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) can be established and used for managing projects

• use tools and processes to monitor and control a project and perform risk management to meet project requirements of time, cost, and quality

• solve challenges related to resource constraints in the project through equalization of resources, time spent, change of relationships, or use of flow/slack

• use indexes and methods (ex. cost and time indexes) for monitoring project status and for establishing future forecasts to foreseen the probable influences on the final cost and duration of the project

• collaborate and contribute to interdisciplinary collaboration, be able to relate prerequisites for success in project work to one's work situation



• have the competence to make an educated decision based (data-driven decision) to get the desired outcome within the defined cost and quality

• recognize challenges arising in projects concerning the time and cost and how to deal with them

• have acquired theoretical knowledge for planning and managing the project management process and ability to apply them to practical scenarios

Teaching and learning methods

The concepts in this course will be taught using a combination of lecture, discussion, case study, and dialogue around the case project, with emphasis on active learning. The discussions will be over different comprehensive exposition of real managerial situations, describing a set of problems and requiring managerial decisions, and employing different tools and techniques. Teaching activities will take place during 4 days, split into 2 physical sessions of 2 days each.

Course requirements



Portfolio consisting of:

• A final written group report of 3000-5000 words, in groups of 2-4 persons

• An oral group-presentation (20 min) and Q&A (10 min)

The portfolio will be assessed as a whole and cannot be appealed.

In the event of fail or valid absence, the postponed exam will be given as a new written report.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Written report: All aids allowed

Oral exam: No aids allowed

Grading scale



Two internal examiners. External examiners are used regularly.