POSDO6100 Practice Oriented Systemic Design Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Practice Oriented Systemic Design
Study programme
Practice Oriented Systemic Design
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


In this course, you will be challenged to take a role as a practice oriented systemic designer - facilitating, managing, and designing systems, service and product solutions, and strategies for implementation.

Systems and game theory provide you with methods to change and develop services, strategies, practice and thinking.

The course is a collaboration between Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway and partner institutions in Europe.

Required preliminary courses

None, other then the admission requirements.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the participant is expected to have achieved advanced level in the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The participant will attain knowledge within:

  • general systems theory
  • cybernetic and communication theory
  • system dynamics and analysis
  • game dynamics in systems
  • methods for data gathering in complex settings (visual interviewing, design probes and play probes, co-design, among others)
  • experimentation in systems


The participant is capable of:

  • describing and identifying exceedingly complex contexts
  • creating systems-maps
  • performing system analyses
  • utilizing methods for data gathering, sharing, cooperation, analysis, and documentation: visual interviewing, design probing, play probing, co-design, feministic design, auto-ethnographical research, mapping workshops, and analysis of relations, patterns, causality, stakeholders, systems dynamics.
  • documenting findings in co-created visualizations.
  • creating strategies and interventions for change in private and public sector.

General competence

The participant attains advanced competence in systemic design by:

  • developing the ability to understand and handle complexity and systems thinking in design processes.
  • holistic thinking and understanding of design projects in relation to sustainability and global mega trends.
  • communication and cooperation by visualization.

Teaching and learning methods

The course consists of four weeks with workshops, tutoring sessions and independent study.

The participants will be encouraged to work with cases from their own professional working life in groups and with additional cases presented in the course.

Course requirements



Individual or group portfolio examination.

The portfolio consists of: Systems Maps (visual map).

The examination result can be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are followed.

Grading scale

Grader scale: A-F


Two examiners. External examiners are used regularly.