PMED1000 Introduction to Paramedicine Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Introduksjon til paramedisin
Study programme
Bachelor's Programme in Paramedic Science
5.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


The point of departure for the course is the scientific and humanistic basis for well-functioning health care services and paramedical professional practice. The course will particularly focus on knowledge and skills that promote respect, empathy, reflection and relational competence. Practical training in interaction, basic infection control and lifesaving first aid are part of the course. The course also emphasises learning in an academic context, and written and oral presentation.

Required preliminary courses

The student must have been admitted to the study programme.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • can describe the history and academic tradition of emergency medical treatment, and their own profession
  • can explain the structure of the health service and the ambulance service’s place in the health service
  • can refer to relevant laws, regulations and rules that regulate the professional practice of paramedics
  • can explain theories and ethical and communicative perspective that are relevant for professional practice
  • can explain simulation and skills training as a method
  • can describe basic models for decision-making
  • can explain the basic principles behind lifesaving first aid
  • can describe the basic theories for good hygiene


The student

  • can apply basic hygiene and infection control techniques
  • can communicate and cooperate with fellow students and others in teams/groups
  • can administer lifesaving first aid
  • can perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation with a semi-automatic defibrillator
  • can write a reflection note based on observational practice
  • can make use of protective gloves, wash hands correctly and disinfect hands

General competence

The student

  • can reflect on relevant issues in prehospital work and on the student’s role in the health service
  • can present their own work to an audience
  • can reflect on ethical and communicative challenges in relation to professional practice
  • can explain their own need for knowledge and learning and acquire new knowledge and skills

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods on the programme comprise lectures, seminars, group work in student groups of five to eight students, observational practice and simulation and skills training.

The students will take part in a two to three-day long observational practice in the ambulance service. The students also carry out simulation and skills training in lifesaving first aid.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to take the exam:

  • Minimum attendance of 90% in observational practice placement
  • Minimum attendance of 90% in simulation and skills training
  • Minimum attendance of 80% at seminars and study groups
  • One individual written reflection note from observational practice placement, 800 words.
  • Individual practical test in lifesaving first aid


Oral exam in groups of 4-6 students.

The exam consists of a presentation (approx. 20-30 min.) and subsequent examination (approx. 10-20 min.) The students will be assigned a topic for their presentation one week before the exam.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted, as long as the rules for source referencing are complied with.

Grading scale



All answers are assessed by two examiners. An external examiner is used regularly, at a minimum of every third completion of the course. When selecting answers for external evaluation, a minimum of 10 percent of the answers shall be included, with no fewer than 5 answers. The external examiner’s assessment of the selected answers shall benefit all students.

Overlapping courses

Five credits overlap with the course PARA1000Communication, Ethics and Culture.