PINS9200 Research Methodology and Research Design for Sustainability Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Research Methodology and Research Design for Sustainability
Study programme
PhD Programme in Innovation for Sustainability
5.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2023
Course history


Sustainable development implies inter-, multi- and transdisciplinary encounters. This course will enable the PhD candidates to develop mixed methods and research design for a multitude of approaches. The course will introduce the candidates to different research methodologies in different research methods especially suitable to illuminate complex phenomena, including Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Universal design, Eco-Aesthetics, and holistic design solutions that can contribute to reconfiguration of the global society in a more sustainable direction. The candidates will learn to develop a research design appropriate for their PhD project and will acquire skills in research methods that are relevant to their projects. The syllabus may be abbreviated and adapted to fit the interest of the participants of the course in cooperation with the supervisors.

Required preliminary courses

Completed Master’s degree (120 ECTS credits) or equivalent education level.

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the course, the candidates are expected to have gained the following learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, and general competence).


The candidate:

  • can reflect critically on strengths and weaknesses of various methods for production of knowledge
  • can design a research project that include triangulation of methods
  • can analyse how to do co-operative inquiry on an advanced level
  • can reflect on ethics and consequences of choice of methods and results
  • can understand how design thinking can contribute to social and technical innovations
  • have a good understanding of various frameworks for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)- and how to translate them into new, responsible practices.
  • can reflect on quantitative approaches in a mixed method approach, including register data, survey data, Life cycle assessments (LCA), Geographical information systems (GIS), artificial intelligence and big data.


The candidate:

  • can make a valid interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary or multidisciplinary research design
  • has advanced skills in co-creation of knowledge
  • can contribute to advanced collaborative n interdisciplinary projects
  • can practice participatory strategies for system change
  • has a good grasp of the philosophy of responsible research and innovation (RRI) and translate the concept into concrete actions

General competence

The candidate:

  • can communicate in cross cultural teams internationally and interdisciplinary
  • can identify transfer value from case studies to other areas
  • can analyse the relations between societal micro, meso and macro levels
  • can translate the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) into practice for socially robust science and innovation

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, workshops, fieldwork, group work, and individual work.

Course requirements

Active participation in the seminars is necessary to adequately understand the course material and themes. Participation is therefore mandatory, and candidates are expected to attend all days of teaching and required to attend at least 80 percent of teaching days. In special cases of documented illness, the course leader may accept exceptions to this requirement. In these cases, lack of participation can be substituted with alternative arrangements such as active reading of the relevant syllabus literature.

Course requirements are assessed as confirmed or not confirmed. The course requirement must be completed and confirmed within the given deadline in order to have the right to submit a final essay.


The course requirements are: 

  • A plenary presentation on a subject decided in collaboration with the course lecturer. 
  • A prepared opposition to at least one other presentation. 
  • 80 % attendance is required


Confirmed participation in the course and passed exam. 

  • Individual essay (4000-5000 words). The essay will discuss the most important theoretical aspects from the syllabus, with relevance for the candidate’s PhD project. Cover page, illustrations, and list of references come in addition.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All examination support material is allowed as long as source reference and quotation technique requirements are applied.

Grading scale

Assessment is pass/ fail. If an essay is graded fail, the candidate has one opportunity resubmit a revised essay within a given time-period.


The final essay is assessed by the course lecturer and one other examinator. External examinators will be used regularly. The assessment of the essay is based on the learning outcomes for the course.

Admission requirements

The course is primarily for PhD candidates. Unfilled places may be opened to applicants with a relevant Master’s degree or equivalent. Applicants must submit a summary (approximately one A4- sized page) containing information on their PhD project. The summary must be submitted before the deadline for Applications.