PHUV9430 Presenting Arts-Based Research Course description

Course name in Norwegian
En presentasjon av kunstbaserte forskningsprosesser
Study programme
PhD Programme in Educational Sciences for Teacher Education
2.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Language: English (and Norwegian, dependent on the language of participants).

Approved by the Academic Affairs Committee 27.04.2020.

This PhD-course is open for candidates at the PhD Programme in Educational Sciences for Teacher Education, PhD candidates from other relevant programmes, and academic employees.

The course presents arts-based research (ABR) and processes related to ABR that are relevant in traditional qualitative research as well. Accepting knowledge as also being tacit, and the arts as important fields of understanding, today’s educational research often include aesthetical and arts-based processes. ABR is an umbrella term covering different research methodologies that draw their inspiration, concepts, processes or representational forms from the arts. To satisfy the expected transparency in research, processes involving arts-based media also need to be discussed and made explicit, whether one considers oneself to be an artist or not.

In this basic course, methodologies such as aesthetically based research, a/r/tography, practice-led research and artistic research will be presented and discussed, as will onto-epistemological issues related to ABR in general and the different methodologies. Furthermore, the students will participate in a limited number of mandatory workshops investigating core elements of ABR, (e.g. embodiment, empathy and material, formal and relational sensitivity). There will also be optional workshops exploring writing processes in ABR, related to narrative, poetical, fictional and essayistic genres. A seminar presenting and discussing the participants’ projects constitutes the course exam.

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the candidate will have achieved the following learning outcomes:


The candidate:

  • has in-dept knowledge concerning core elements of ABR
  • can evaluate the expediency and application of certain methodological and analytical approaches within the umbrella term ABR
  • has knowledge of certain ontological, epistemological and ethical issues related to ABR


The candidate:

  • can critically analyse relationships between theories of knowledge and ABR and challenge established research practices
  • can use relevant techniques to enhance and elicit their own embodiment, empathy and/or sensitivity in research
  • can formulate problems, plan, carry out and critically discuss relevant ABR processes in their own research

General competence

The candidate:

  • can identify and discuss some relationships and conflicts between other scientific theories and certain theories in ABR, related to his/her field of research
  • can give well-structured presentations and participate in debates assessing ABR processes and projects

Teaching and learning methods

The first part of the course is a seminar given over two subsequent days. The working methods include lectures, discussions, as well as practical workshops. Candidates are expected to actively participate in all the teaching activities.

The second part of the course is primarily related to the student presentations, which constitute the exam in this course.

Course requirements

Preparations for the course

Students are encouraged to enter OsloMet’s learning platform and attain knowledge of parts of the reading list prior to the course to be able to participate actively in discussions.

Course Requirements

Coursework requirement are:

  • Mandatory attendance on the two days of lectures, discussions, and practical workshops. Up to 50 % absence from other students’ oral presentations can be accepted in certain cases, after application.


The candidate prepare and implement a 15 minutes individual oral presentation. The candidate’s own project/field of research interest should be shortly presented to afford a meaningful discussion on its relevance (or lack of relevance) to ABR. The candidate is free to choose the topic(s) within ABR that will constitute the main part of the presentation; however, references from the reading list must support the discussion.

The presentation can be in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English and multi-modality is encouraged. Following the presentation there will be a sequence in which the candidate responds to questions and receive comments from the course leader, sensor and others.

In case of failed exam/legal absence, the candidate may have a new exam under the same conditions when a new/postponed exam is arranged.

Grading scale

The grades are "pass" or "fail". The requirement for "pass" is that the oral presentation builds on the learning outcomes and on parts of the syllabus.


The oral presentation will be assessed by the course coordinator and a member of the academic staff with relevant competence.