PBIB9210 The Sociology of Literature - Basic Research Questions and Empirical Studies Course description

Course name in Norwegian
The Sociology of Literature - Basic Research Questions and Empirical Studies
Study programme
Ph.d.-program i bibliotek og informasjonsvitenskap
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Elective specialisation subject.

This course addresses various aspects concerning the relations between literature and society, reading and the book market on the one hand and questions of democracy, participation and cultural policy on the other. The course covers a broad range of empirical and theoretically oriented subjects, contemporary as well as historical perspectives including the following topics: Democracy and citizenship, the digitization and remediation of literature, the globalization of literature and the gendering of literature.

Required preliminary courses

No prerequisites.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the candidate has achieved the following learning outcomes, defined in terms of knowledge and skills:


The candidate is in the forefront in questions regarding the sociology of literature, its methodological practice and fundamental questions including

  • literature and daily life: The relevance for the development of the library's dissemination policy and literature's importance for individuals and groups
  • critique and evaluation: Literature in relation to changing ethical norms, including quality and canonization during various periods, the basis for the evaluation of literature and appropriate criteria and their impact on the library's collection
  • the field of literature: The literary institution and the changing balance of power
  • literature as a cultural and social prism: The dialectics between the work's form and aesthetic structure on the one hand and the social context it expresses on the other


The candidate is able to

  • deal with and critically evaluate complex methodological and theoretical questions in the sociology of literature
  • discuss, support and legitimate the relevance of problems in the sociology of literature including research in this field
  • disseminate one's own research in academic as well as general fora

Teaching and learning methods

The subject is organised as two seminars, including lectures and presentations. The subject provides a running consideration of research projects presented by the candidates and experienced researchers. Projects are presented in accordance with fundamental academic questions and current international research in the academic area.

Course requirements

No coursework requirements.


Candidates should write an essay of approximately 15 pages based on a subject of their own choice. The essay is to be presented and discussed in one of the seminars. The essay should be completed and handed in within 2 months after the subject is concluded.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids allowed as long as source reference and quotation technique requirements are applied.

Grading scale

Approved/not approved. 


The essay will be assessed by the course coordinator.

Admission requirements

This course is primarily aimed at PhD candidates admitted to the PhD programme in Library and Information Science at OsloMet, but is also open to other applicants who wish to be qualified for research in the field. Admission requirements are a completed "hovedfag", master's degree (120 credits) or equivalent qualification within the same academic area.