MSLV4200 Collaboration and collaborative management Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Samarbeid og samarbeidsledelse
Study programme
Erfaringsbasert masterstudium i bibliotek - styring og ledelse / Masterstudium i offentlig administrasjon og styring / Masterstudium i styring og ledelse
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2019
Course history


The course provides insight into relevant topics for collaborative managers in the public sector. Collaborative management will be placed in a theoretical and contextual perspective. Students will learn about the challenges encountered in relation to implementing public policy and see when it is necessary to use different types of collaboration to realise the desired goals. They will gain insight into organisational theory concepts such as specialisation and coordination and see the relationship between coordination mechanisms and forms of governance, including hierarchies, networks and the market. Emphasis will be placed on theories on leadership and governance in the context of collaboration, where the differences between hierarchical and more equal relations between actors is elucidated.

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes



The student has


  • in-depth knowledge about collaborative management in the public sector

  • in-depth knowledge of coordination, collaboration and cooperation

  • in-depth knowledge of the preconditions for implementing public policy through collaboration

  • in-depth knowledge on coordination through hierarchies, networks and the market

  • thorough insight into how organisational and social factors affect roles and freedom of action to exercise administration and management at different administrative levels




The student is capable of


  • analysing challenges relating to implementing public policy

  • assessing how coordination and cooperation challenges can be approached through collaborative management

  • assessing different forms of governance and coordination mechanisms




The student is capable of


  • analysing and taking a critical approach to different sources of information and using them to structure and formulate arguments in the field

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching is session-based in the form of lectures, student presentations, discussions, group work and seminars. Students will write assignments between the sessions. A high degree of independent activity is expected, Teaching will be based on examples and cases from the students' practical experiences.

Course requirements



The exam comprises a semester assignment with a scope of 5,000 words (+/- 10%). The assignment can be written individually or in pairs on agreement with the person responsible for the course.


Candidates who fail or who have documented valid grounds for absence from the ordinary exam can take a resit/rescheduled exam. Candidates who fail the semester assignment must write a new assignment with a new research question.

Grading scale

A grade scale with grades from A to E for pass and F for fail is used.


All answer papers are assessed by an internal examiner. At least 25% of them will be assessed by an external examiner. An external examiner will also be used when there is doubt about whether a pass grade should be awarded. The grades awarded for the papers assessed by the external and internal examiners form the basis for determining the level for awarding the different grades. The internal examiner shall take the external examiner's assessment into consideration in the grading of all the exams.