MEK2000 Mathematics 2000 Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Matematikk 2000
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Biotechnology and Applied Chemistry
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


This course, together with Mathematics 1000, will give the students an understanding of mathematical concepts, problems and solution methods with the focus on application, particularly in engineering subjects.

Recommended preliminary courses

The course builds on ELFE/MAFE/KJFE1000 Mathematics 1000 or MEK1000

Required preliminary courses

There are no requirements beyond the admission requirements.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student is capable of:

  • explaining how functions can be approximated by Taylor polynomials and truncated Fourier series
  • explain what it means that a series converge, with emphasis on Taylor and Fourier series
  • differentiate and integrate power series term by term
  • explaining what a frequency spectrum is and explaining the principle of filtering signals in the frequency domain
  • describing and explaining how a sequence of numbers can originate by sampling, by using formulae or as the solution of a difference equation
  • explaining how to interpolate sampled data
  • explaining partial differentiation and using different graphical ways to describe and visualize functions of two variables
  • calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices and giving geometrical interpretations of these values


The student is capable of:

  • discussing the connection between Fourier series and the Fourier transform
  • discussing pros and cons using interpolating polynomials, and splines to interpolate sampled data
  • explaining how the method of least square may be applied to fit data to a linear function
  • discussing error bounds when using Taylor polynomials to approximate functions
  • using simple tests of convergence of series, for example the ratio test
  • giving a geometrical interpretation of gradient and directional derivative and using linear approximation and total differential of functions of two variables to calculate uncertainty
  • using partial differentiation optimize functions of two variables
  • using eigenvalues and eigenvectors to solve systems of differential equations with constant coefficients

General competence

The student is capable of:

  • identifying the connection between mathematics and their own field of engineering
  • translating a practical problem from their own field into mathematical form, so that it can be solved analytically or numerically
  • using mathematical methods and tools that are relevant to their field of engineering
  • assessing the results of mathematical calculations and using basic numerical algorithms

Teaching and learning methods

The course is taught through joint lectures and exercises. In the exercise sessions, the students work on assignments, both individually and in groups, under the supervision of a lecturer. These sessions will also involve assessing the assignments - both own ones and assignments carried out by fellow students.

In between teaching sessions, the students are supposed to work with exercises. The proposed exercises are directly linked to learning outcomes for the course. Assessing their own and others' solutions will provide the students with insight as to which extent these goals are achieved.

The students will also have the option of handing in certain exercise sets and have these assessed.

Course requirements



Individual written exam, 3 hours.

The exam result can be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All printed and written aids.


Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


One internal examiner. External examiners are used regularly.

Overlapping courses

The course has an overlap of 10 credits with MAPE2000, KJPE2000, EMPE2000 and BYPE2000. This course overlaps 5 credits with DAPE2000 and ELTS2000.Under the rule that students have three attempts to take an exam, attempts in equivalent courses also count.