MECH4301 Computational Fluid Dynamics Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Study programme
Master’s Programme in Mechanical Engineering
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


This course covers some fundamental concepts of Computational Fluid Dynamics and their practical use in computer simulations. Students learn about the different challenges associated with compressible and incompressible flows, different grid structures and the numerical modelling of turbulence. The theoretical understanding is put to practical use through programming exercises with computer tools such as OpenFoam. CFD allows optimization of design based on simulations, without having to prepare many prototypes. Thus, optimization can reduce environmental impact and improve energy efficiency.

Recommended preliminary courses

The course relies heavily on concepts taught in the Advanced Engineering Mathematics course. The students should have completed the Applied Fluid Dynamics course (MASK 3610) and have a basic knowledge of scientific programming.

Learning outcomes


The candidate

  • can derive the governing equations and explain the standard mathematical classifications of fluid flow
  • can formulate fluid flow problems in terms of Partial Differential Equations
  • can explain the difference between Direct Numerical Simulation and averaged turbulence models in CFD
  • can explain the difference between staggered and collocated grids for a CFD meshing structure.


The candidate

  • can solve standard fluid flow problems by applying CFD tools, such as OpenFOAM
  • can implement Finite Volume solution algorithms for convection-diffusion equations in a scientific programming language such as Python
  • can apply von Neumann and TVD analysis to derive precise stability bounds on numerical methods for partial differential equations
  • can design suitable mesh structures for CFD analysis tailored to a given fluid flow problem.

General competence:

The candidate

  • can design and perform CFD simulations for common industrial problems
  • is capable of critically evaluating the results of CFD analyses and identifying potential sources of errors and inaccuracies
  • can communicate their work and can master language and terminology of the CFD field.

Teaching and learning methods

  • Lectures
  • Problem solving sessions
  • Computer laboratory sessions in
    • Applied CFD using high-level tools such as OpenFOAM.
    • Scientific programming in a low-level language such as Python.

Course requirements

  1. A Python programming project on the Finite Volume method. Students are to submit source code (100-200 lines of code, estimated to 10 hours of effort)
  2. A Python programming project on incompressible cavity flow. Students are to submit source code (100-200 lines of code, estimated to 10 hours of effort)
  3. A CFD tool (OpenFOAM) applied simulation project. Students are to submit a project report (approximately 5 pages, estimated to 15 hours of effort)


Individual oral examination, 30 minutes per student.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


Two internal examiners. External examiner is used periodically.