MECH4202 Practical Mechatronics Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Practical Mechatronics
Study programme
Master’s Programme in Mechanical Engineering
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


In this course the students will apply their knowledge they acuired from the course "Introduction to Mechatronics" to engage in a hands-on, practical project.The focus will be on developing and testing a mechatronics system/device prototype. The project encompasses a comprehensive range of elements of the mechatronics system, including elements of mechanical and electronic design, sensor and actuator, signal processing, communication, control system, modelling and simulation, and considerations for safety and ethics. This course aims to provide students with a practical and holistic understanding of mechatronics technology by exploring its diverse applications in real-world scenarios.

Recommended preliminary courses

MEK4300 Introduction to Mechatronics

Learning outcomes


The candidate

  • has specialized, advanced insight in a specific area of mechatronics. This specific area will be defined from the project topic decides during the course.
  • can explain the practical methods and components of mechatronic systems learned from practical experience
  • can describe how different design solutions will affect the mechatronic system’s energy consumption and environmental impact
  • understand the seamless intergration of diverse components within a mechatronic system
  • undertand safety and etichal considerations in mechatronics design
  • can recognize the structure and composition of typical specialized scientific articles and reports in the field
  • can describe the ethical issues related to the chosen project topic


The candidate

  • can select appropriate sensors, actuators, electronics, and control components
  • can perform an iterative rapid prototyping process and demonstrate a working mechatronics system
  • can conduct a development project with mechatronics system prototypes under supervision
  • can apply technological knowledge from datasheets and other relevant resources
  • can apply scientific methods and principles when planning and conducting research
  • can apply mechatronics principles to solve real-world problems
  • can find research literature in literature databases
  • can apply relevant resources for clarifying and finding solutions to technical, ethical, and sustainability issues
  • can analyze and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to develop new mechatronics systems
  • can compare information from different sources and summarize with one’s own word, according to scientific norms

General competence:

The candidate

  • can apply their knowledge and skills in new areas to conduct advanced assignments and projects in mechatronics (from planning to testing)
  • can communicate extensive independent work and can master language and terminology of the academic field
  • can evaluate research ethical issues and sustainability impacts such as material choice and energy consumption
  • can discuss and reflect on ethical issues such as plagiarism
  • has knowledge of the expectations and responsibilities of authors in science

Teaching and learning methods

Theory lectures, tutorials, practical training, and project work in groups. The students work in groups of 3-5 people on a given project scenario while attending theoretical lectures on relevant specialized subjects. The course gives practical guidance on how to apply fundamental concepts of mechatronics through lectures on the underlying theoretical aspects, in combination with exercises.

Course requirements

The following coursework is compulsory and must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • Delivery of preliminary design plan. Max 1000 words, 3-5 students per group.
  • 80 % attendence is required for the students to take the final examination.


The exam consist of two parts:

  1. Group project report in the form of an academic paper, 2-5 students per group (8-10 pages), counting 50 %.The report must follow the guidelines and template of the IEEE conferanse proceedings template.
  2. A final presentation that is divided in two parts:The project practical demonstration and individual presentation account for 50 % of the course, 1. where the group presentation is 30 % 2. the individual presentation is 20 %.

All parts are done with the same group (2-5 students per group).

All parts must be passed to pass the exam.

Part one can be appealed, part two cannot be appealed.

New/postponed exam:

In the event of a postponed examination in this course the exam may be held as an oral exam. Oral exams cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All materials are permitted.

Grading scale

Graded scale A-F


Two internal examiners. External examiner is used periodically.