MALKA217 Early Intervention for Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Tidlig intervensjon overfor barn med omfattende utviklingsforstyrrelser
Study programme
Masterstudium i atferdsvitenskap, deltid / Masterstudium i atferdsvitenskap - spesialisering i begreper og anvendelse
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history

Required preliminary courses

Coursework requirements from MALK 4000-401, 4000- 402 and MALKA 211 and 212 or equivalent must be approved to participate and submit coursework requirements in MALKA217.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, the student has the following learning outcomes

classified as knowledge:



The student

  • can define, describe and exemplify the concept of pervasive developmental disorders
  • can describe methods for establishing linguistic, social, emotional and academic competencies in children with pervasive developmental disorders
  • can describe methods for parent training and cooperation
  • can describe methods for cooperating with public service providers and educational authorities
  • can define, exemplify and discuss principles and methods for diagnostics and assessment
  • can describe and exemplify effective methods for staff training


Diagnostics and assessment, methods to promote verbal, social emotional and academic competence in children with pervasive developmental disorders, staff training and supervision, and parent training and supervision

Teaching and learning methods

The course will include lectures, student exercises, individual papers, discussions and oral presentations.

Course requirements

Students submit 3 written assignments, each with maximum 3 pages including references, according to the deadlines in the course schedule.


Individual written examination with invigilation, 4 hours.

Exam questions are in English. Students may submit their exams in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. 

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

 A grading scale of A (highest) to F (lowest) where A to E is a pass grade and F is a fail grade


One internal and one external examiner