MAEN4500 Heating and cooling in buildings Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Varme- og kjøleteknikk
Study programme
Master's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in Buildings - part-time
Master's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in Buildings
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


In addition to providing students with basic knowledge and theory, this course also provides the students with necessary skills and experience in designing heating systems in buildings. The course builds on courses from the first semester of the first year of the master's degree programme. 

Required preliminary courses

None other than admission requirements.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course, the student has the following learning outcomes, as defined in knowledge, skills and general competence:Knowledge

The student has in-depth knowledge of

  • energy production, energy use and design of heat supply systems
  • boilers, boiler connections, heat pumps, solar heating, district heating, gas and more for energy conversion and transmission
  • laws and regulations, energy directive and energy labeling
  • incineration plants (bioenergy, coal, oil, gas) and combustion processes
  • district heating systems; production, distribution and subscriber centers
  • steam systems; temperature, pressure, materials and system structure
  • heating elements; radiators, aerotemers and more
  • waterborne plants, including expansion systems, pressure conditions, safety devices
  • analyze profitability, tariffs, operating time, investments, energy prices

SkillsThe student can

  • perform calculations of heating needs 
  • assess energy needs for building related to external climate with regard to outdoor climate, energy-conscious architecture, heat transport, heat insulation, air tightness and infiltration loss, internal heat supplement and solar energy
  • assess the effect and energy pattern of buildings; load measurements, typically energy consumption pattern
  • calculate and evaluate the proper regulatory and management systems
  • analyze plants with regard to energy use, economy and environmental impact
  • show how traditional forms of energy are utilized, and the effects of using such energy sources on the environment
  • designing heating systems; calculate heating systems and energy production plants; heating systems, refrigeration systems for air conditioning and heat pumps, ventilation systems, hot water supply and components
  • regulate waterborne plants
  • dimension pipe networks for water-borne energy

General competenceThe student can

  • calculate, design and construct heat producing plants, distribution plants and heating plants so that the environment is not unnecessarily charged
  • can formulate and analyze problems using scientific methods in project work

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, exercises and project work.

Course requirements

The following work requirements must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • Two individual exercises, each of three to five pages.


Part 1 Individual written exam of three hours, which counts 70 percent. Part 2 Project work in groups of three to five students and which counts 30 percent. Report, implementation, oral and visual presentation in group are considered. Possible individual grading

Exam part 1) Exam results can be appealed.

Exam part 2) Exam result cannot be appealed.

Both parts of the exam must be graded / E or better in order for students to pass the course.

In the event of a new and postponed individual written examination, oral examination forms may be used. If an oral examination is used for a new and postponed examination, this cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Exam part 1: Handheld calculator that does not communicate wirelessly. If the calculator has the possibility of storage in the internal memory, the memory must be deleted before the exam. Sampling can be done.Exam Part 2: All.

Grading scale

Graded scale A-F


Part 1 An internal sensor.

Part 2 Two internal sensors.

External censorship is used regularly.