MABY5410 Advanced Soil Mechanics Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Advanced Soil Mechanics
Study programme
Master’s Programme in Civil Engineering
Master's Programme in Civil Engineering, Elective modules
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


The course follows the undergraduate course 'Geotechnics' or 'Geotechnical Engineering' to broaden the fundamental concepts for graduate students. It provides the foundation for advanced geotechnical topics such as critical state soil mechanics (one soil mechanical theory), finite element simulation of geotechnical engineering, geoenvironmental engineering, foundation engineering, and others. It deepens the understanding of topics such as soil classification, shear strength of soils, and stress and strain state analysis, etc. which have been briefly introduced in the bachelor level course. Besides, some new topics such as soil elasticity, general soil mechanical behaviors, soil plasticity, and the concept of constitutive modeling will also be introduced in this course.

Recommended preliminary courses

BYGG2200 Geotechnics or equivalent

Learning outcomes

After completing this course, the student will gain the following knowledge, skills, and general competence:


Students have in-depth knowledge of:

  • soil aggregate, plasticity, and classification
  • soil mechanical behavior: elasticity, plasticity, and shear strength
  • effective stress and pore water pressure development due to loading
  • stress path
  • clay sensitivity and anisotropy
  • concepts of constitutive modeling and soil state parameters
  • cyclic loading properties


Students can:

  • understand index properties of fine-grained and coarse-grained soils and perform soil classification
  • interpret soil parameters from various types of experimental tests
  • have a fundamental understanding of stress and strain states and general mechanical behaviors of soils
  • apply soil elastic plasticity theory and concept of constitutive modelling

General competence


  • have a solid understanding of general soil mechanical behaviors under various loading conditions
  • have a good understanding of typical geotechnical parameters and application to engineering design
  • have some simple form practice (for example in Excel) to use elastic-plasticity theory to simulate soil behaviours

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, exercises and projects

Course requirements

Three written homework assignments


The exam consists of two parts:

1) Written group project report, weighted 70%,

2) Oral group presentation of the project following by individual Q&A, weighted 30%.

The assessment is in the form of group evaluation with 2-4 students in each group. The project report is approximately 5000 words. The oral presentation should be within 15-20 minutes followed by individual Q&A sessions of 5-10 minutes each.

All assessment parts must be awarded a pass grade (E or better) for the student to pass the course.

Assessment part 1) can be appealed. Assessment part 2) cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All types of materials and equipment are allowed.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F


1) One internal examiner

2) Two internal examiners

External examiners are used regularly

Course contact person

Chuangxin Lyu