MABY5340 Water Infrastructure, Trenches and No-Dig Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Water Infrastructure, Trenches and No-Dig
Study programme
Master’s Programme in Civil Engineering
5.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Students will learn how to build an overall strategy for building and retrofitting pipe network systems. The course will focus on technologies for infrastructure building in the ground, and as such dig and NO-dig methods and their relevance to infrastructure projects will be reviewed.

Additional emphasis will be given to coordination and optimization of ground work in typical infrastructure projects, including e.g., district heating systems, electricity supply cables, broadband, etc. Furthermore, lectures will focus on how to retrofit and adapt piping systems to sustainable surface water (rain and snowmelt water) management, also in relation to regional aspects in accordance with the 3-step strategy. Students will train on tools and methods used for life-long infrastructure management with specific emphasis on climate change impacts and environment risks; they will also develop an appreciation of that the deduction of these impacts can yield different outcomes. An emphasis will be given to develop an overall understanding of urban water infrastructure, including drinking water supply, sewage pipe network and wastewater treatment works.

The students will make use of SWMM, Mike+, Epanet, Scalgo, REN grøft or similar software in this course.

Recommended preliminary courses

No formal requirements over and above the admission requirements. It’s an advantage to have fulfilled the course Urban Pipe Systems in semester 1.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


Students will know

  • how to evaluate water-, wastewater and stormwater system design to optimize, for example, manholes and overflow arrangements;
  • about sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment to select the most beneficial methods for design, construction and maintenance;
  • about strategies for establishing robust pipe systems requiring reduced ground work and digging trenches, developing of NO-dig methods and decision models for when to use the different methods;
  • about holistic methods for ground works also in relation to non-water infrastructure (district heating, energy supplying and broadband cables).


Students will be able

  • to integrate knowledge and to apply this to a range of scenarios;
  • to effectively interact with project key stakeholders
  • to select and design technology, processes and systems based on sound evaluation of criteria in water resource engineering;
  • to collect, generate and critically analyse, information that may be uncertain or incomplete and to quantify the effect of this on problem solving, design and decision for water resource engineering.

General competence

Students can

  • explore the material and energy resource efficiencyof the systems, including cables and district heating (transportation, trenches and materials);
  • use advanced engineering methods for stormwater, including the three-level strategy;
  • quantify the material and energy resource efficiency of processes and their impact in terms of emissions into recipient water bodies;
  • select design technology, processes and systems based on sound evaluation of criteria in water system engineering.

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching will consist of a combination of:

  • Lectures & discussions.
  • Independent studies including video recordings and online exercises.
  • Coursework assignments.
  • Practical use of tools and software.

Course requirements



The exam is a Portfolio exam, which consists of the following:

1) One individual software exercise to be handed in as a written document of maximum 10 pages including graphics.

2) One individual written design project, approximately 5 pages.

In the event of failed or valid absence of exam, the postponed exam will be given as either an oral or written examination.

The exam result can be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted.

Grading scale

A grade scale with grades from A to E for pass (with A being the highest grade and E being the lowest pass grade) and F for fail is used in connection with the final assessment. 


One internal sensor.

External sensors are used regularly.

Course contact person

Tom Baade-Mathiesen