MABY4900 Timber building engineering Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Timber building engineering
Study programme
Master’s Programme in Civil Engineering
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Timber has been used as building material since antiquity. In particular in Norway, wood has been the main basic material for buildings and structures for centuries. Nowadays, the new technologies in material science has resulted in innovative engineered wood-based products, which have opened wider horizons for building in timber, e.g. tall timber buildings etc. In addition, the climate change due to global warming has accelerated the need for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and use nature-based products and building materials with low, or even negative, carbon footprint. This makes wood an excellent choice for sustainable buildings, which has steadily led to the increase use of timber in building industry.

Recommended preliminary courses

MABY4100 'Finite Element Method in Structural Analysis', MABY4200 'Building Physics and Climate Adaptation' and MABY4700 'Life-Cycle Analysis for Built Environment'.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student:

  • has advanced knowledge of physical, thermal, hygric, mechanical and other properties of wood and timber products
  • has advanced knowledge of wood technology and timber building construction.
  • is capable of giving an account of standards and requirements for timber buildings and structures with regard to building physics, fire design, acoustics and structural analysis.
  • is capable of assessing climate adaptation solutions for building envelopes and components in timber buildings.
  • has specialized knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of wood as building material as well as the optimum combination of timber with other buildings materials.
  • is capable of taking the reuse potential of timber products into a life cycle assessment.


The student is capable of:

  • using analysis methods and calculation tools related to hygrothermal performance, sound proofing and fire resistance of timber building components, according to TEK17 and relevant Norwegian standards, e.g. NS 3516, NS 3512 osv.
  • designing common building components and building based on Eurocode 5
  • explaining relevant standards and requirements for building materials and components, and assessing documentation from manufacturers/suppliers.
  • combining analysis methods for building physics, structural engineering, fire design, acoustics and life-cycle assessments in the choice of materials, components and design.
  • criticizing and justifying choices of materials, components and design in relation to climate-related and other loads as well as the building type and use.
  • planning and creating a comprehensive sustainable timber building design, including a description of the materials and components used in the building envelope, the load bearing system and the internal building elements.
  • interpreting simulation tool results to revise and optimize the proposed design

General competence:

The student is capable of:

  • explaining the background for user-related, societal and environmental requirements for buildings.
  • applying relevant regulations, instructions and documentation.
  • presenting results in a scholarly, professional manner with the help of written reports and oral presentations.
  • using scholarly articles to keep up with latest developments in the field
  • working in teams

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching consists of physical and degital lectures, demonstration of measurement methods and simulations tools. In addition, a project assignment will be given in which the students are to perform analytical and simulation-based calculations of the performance of a timber building in connection with different engineering aspects.

Digital lectures will be recorded, and the material will be made available to students on CANVAS.

Course requirements

The following required coursework must be approved before the total portfolio can be evaluated:

  1. Deliver/hand in all sub-assignments by their respective deadline
  2. Each sub-assignment should be approved (pass).


Portfolio exam that consist of:

3-4 sub-assignment reports (in total, approx. 100-120 pages, without appendices). The students will work in groups of 2.

The overall assessment can be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All aids are permitted.

Grading scale

Graded scale A-F.


Two internal examiners.

External examiners are used regularly.

Course contact person

Med bakgrunn i arbeidet med barnevernets kunnskapsgrunnlag for vurderinger av barnets beste i emne 1, handler emne 2 om den konkrete beslutningspraksisen. I emnet vil en særlig tematisere ulike metoder og modeller for innhenting av kunnskap om barnets omsorgssituasjon, hvordan det legges til rette for kunnskapsinnhenting og vurderinger i samarbeid med barn og foreldre og hvilke betydninger og forutsetninger dette har for tillit. Her vil også fordeler og ulemper med ulike standardiserte og mer skjønnsbaserte modeller tematiseres med utgangspunkt i studentenes erfaringer. Barnevernets mandat innebærer omfattende makt til å gripe inn i barn og foreldres liv.

I emnet vil en i særlig grad være opptatt av makten slik den utspiller seg i konkret praksis en tar for gitt, og hvordan det har betydning for hva som forstås som relevant i vurderingen av barnets beste. Kompleksiteten i barnevernets beslutninger om barnets beste knyttes til ulike nivåer både gjennom et sammensatt kunnskapsgrunnlag, og usikkerhet knyttet til beslutningene og begrensninger i menneskets resonnering. Forenklede beslutningsreglers betydning for resonneringen og nødvendigheten av en kritisk reflektert praksis drøftes. Beslutningsteoretisk forståelse vil knyttes til ulike beslutningssituasjoner i barnevernets arbeid og ulike beslutningsarenaer som fagmøter i barneverntjenestene, familieråd og nettverksmøter og fylkesnemnda. Hvilke beslutningssituasjoner det blir lagt mest vekt på i utdanningen, vil avgjøres i samarbeid med studentene ut i fra deres behov og tidligere kompetanse. Hvordan vurderingene om barnets beste begrunnes og dokumentasjonsarbeid inngår også som viktige tema i emnet.

Sentrale tema

  • Beslutninger, beslutningsteori og medvirkning
  • Standardiserte modeller og skjønn - beslutninger i samarbeid
  • Ulike beslutningsarenaer og særlig krevende beslutningstema

Undervisningsspråk er norsk.