FYBPRA2 Clinical Placement - II Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Klinisk fysioterapi - II
Study programme
Physiotherapy Programme
15.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


This course is a practical training course that contains the second of two practical training periods in the third year of the programme. The practical training is taken in the municipal or specialist health service. The student will develop the action competence needed to meet the requirements made of physiotherapists. On the basis of ethical reflection and critical thinking, the student should provide professionally sound, person-centred and knowledge-based physiotherapy rooted in research, evidence-based knowledge and user knowledge, and participate in the daily activities at the practical training establishment.

Required preliminary courses

Passed first and second year of the programme or equivalent.

Passed FYBPRA1 Clinical Placement - I.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student can

  • explain laws and regulations relevant to the activities at the practical training establishment
  • describe the practical training establishment’s professional basis and how the establishment describes the purpose of its activities


The student can

  • obtain information through dialogue with the patient and other assessment methods, and respond to the complexity of the patient’s life situation
  • justify their choice of assessment methods and standardised tests on the basis of the patient’s clinical condition and level of functioning and the tests’ psychometric properties
  • give an oral presentation of physiotherapy’s contribution to the interprofessional follow-up of a patient, and present the clinical reasoning forming the basis for decisions
  • perform person-centred physiotherapy informed by research, evidence-based knowledge and the patient’s perspective, and demonstrate a broad range of measures that can be adapted in treatment, habilitation, rehabilitation, prevention and palliation
  • continuously evaluate the patient’s response to treatment and other measures throughout the course of treatment, and adjust the measures as required
  • guide patients undergoing change processes and strengthen their coping resources, and evaluate their development in relation to coping strategies
  • provide and adapt orthopedic and technical aids, and propose and make proactive contributions in the adaptation of surroundings to promote movement, functioning and participation
  • explore how team members with different professional backgrounds can contribute to person-centred cooperation, and take the initiative to and coordinate interprofessional cooperation, and cooperate with health workers involved earlier/later in the course of treatment
  • use manual, bodily and educational tools in a clear, precise, confident, sensitive and respectful manner in assessment and treatment, and communicate their assessments to the patient in a way they can understand
  • adapt their own communication in their dealings with patients and next of kin
  • independently write and update patient records in accordance with applicable guidelines and the Regulations related to patient records in a manner that protects privacy, and so that the healthcare provided can be controlled later
  • present and discuss a professional issue at professional meetings and/or student meetings that is relevant to the practical training establishment
  • plan their own workday/workweek and prioritise tasks in a manner that safeguards their own health, collaboration with colleagues, scheduled appointments and patient safety, and can report to the practical training establishment if any aspects of the work are perceived as a risk to their own health and quality of life

General competence

The student can

  • show respect, care and empathy in their dealings with patients/users/next of kin
  • use knowledge of inclusion and equality in their own contributions to provide equitable and non-discriminatory services to all groups in society regardless of sex, ethnicity, language, religion or life stance, level of functioning, social background, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and age
  • identify and handle ethical issues that arise in encounters with patients and reflect on their own attitudes and behaviour
  • carry out tasks in line with requirements for professional responsibility, applicable legislation, and the practical training establishment’s regulations and personnel handbook (including clothing, hygiene and infection control) and can evaluate their own activities
  • refer patients to partners and consult the supervisor as needed
  • reflect on their own professional practice and competence level and independently identify learning strategies and learning objectives

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods include self-study, interprofessional cooperative learning and external practical training under supervision.

The student has 10 weeks of supervised practical training in the municipal or specialist health service. Prior to the midway assessment, the student will demonstrate an examination and/or provide treatment in practice, give grounds for the clinical choices made and reflect on their own professional practice, and discuss their choices with the practical training supervisor and the contact lecturer, and possibly fellow students (up to 2 hours).

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to take the exam:

  • individual subject note in accordance with set criteria, up to 700 words (+/- 10%) The coursework will be subject to assessment.
  • carry out an examination and/or provide treatment in practice, give grounds for the clinical choices made and reflect on their own professional practice, and discuss their choices with the practical training supervisor and the contact lecturer, carried out in the last 2 weeks of the practical training period, up to 2 hours. The coursework will be subject to assessment.


Assessment of practical training: The assessment is based on the learning outcomes for the course and the continuous assessment that students are subject to throughout the practical training period.

The student’s practical training can only be assessed if their attendance is sufficiently high (90%). For more information, see the general part of the programme description about practical training assessment.

Resit assessment: Students who fail a period of practical training normally have to retake the whole practical training period.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Not relevant.

Grading scale



The midway and final assessments are made by the practical training supervisor and the contact lecturer at the university. The final decision on whether to award a pass or fail grade is made by the university.

Overlapping courses

15 credits overlap with FYSIOPRA and MENDIPRA Knowledge-based Clinical Physiotherapy.