FYB3000 Complexity and Diversity in Physiotherapy Practice Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Kompleksitet og mangfold i fysioterapi
Study programme
Physiotherapy Programme
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


In their professional practice, physiotherapists encounter a diversity of people with challenges and problems of very differing complexity. Perhaps the physiotherapist finds it particularly demanding if the patient has a rare diagnosis, a complex clinical picture, substance abuse problems, lives in difficult conditions, has reduced competence to give consent or lacks the ability to communicate. Through the experience gained from interacting with patients, physiotherapists can build competence that can become important evidence-based knowledge when encountering ‘new’ patients.

Collective knowledge development and professional exchange of experience play a key role in lifelong learning, and one of the overriding objectives for the learning activities in this course is to activate and share experience from practical training. Students will also explore the role of physiotherapists in dealings with patients in a society where technology continuously changes how we communicate, how the individual’s environment can be adapted, and how opportunities for individual participation are created.

The students will also participate in the interdisciplinary teaching initiative INTER1300.

INTER1300 ‘Interprofessional Cooperation about and with Children, Young People and their Families ’ (1.5 credits) makes up the third module of the university's teaching project INTERACT.

INTER1300 is about acquiring more awareness and knowledge about how you, as a future professional, can cooperate with other professions about and with children, young people and their parents/guardians. The challenges and opportunities such cooperation presents is one of the topics discussed in this module. Examples from the students’ practical training periods will be a key part of this. In this module, the focus will in particular be on children and adolescents with challenges.



Required preliminary courses

Passed first and second year of the programme or equivalent.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course and INTER1300, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence (INTER1300 addresses the learning outcomes marked with two asterisks (**)):


The student can

  • explain different interprofessional methods of collaboration in the field of practice**
  • explain the challenges and possibilities of interprofessional cooperation processes**
  • explain how neglect, violence, abuse, substance abuse and socioeconomic differences affect health


The student can

  • on the basis of examples from their own practical training, analyse and assess interprofessional cooperation processes on and with children and young people with challenges**
  • establish interprofessional cooperation about and with children, young people and their parents/guardians**
  • obtain research-based knowledge and discuss the validity of this knowledge on the basis of a complex patient case history
  • reflect on how previous experience from practice affects the knowledge basis for their own clinical decisions
  • discuss health, participation and universal design in light of human rights and democratic principles
  • reflect on challenges, dilemmas and possibilities in physiotherapy for persons with substance abuse problems and persons with a complex clinical picture (psychiatry, geriatrics, complex conditions) who have survived serious illnesses and persons who experience after-effects following medical/surgical treatment
  • compare models for care pathways for patients/users who need coordinated services, and discuss the challenges of interprofessional and cross-sector cooperation in treatment, rehabilitation and habilitation
  • discuss challenges relating to physiotherapy services, identify needs for quality improvement and propose strategies for implementing relevant knowledge-based practice in the service
  • explore and discuss how technology that promotes movement, participation and quality of life can be incorporated in patient-centred habilitation or rehabilitation measures
  • use digital technology that promotes communication and interaction
  • use relevant knowledge to identify and follow up people subjected to neglect, violence and abuse and refer them as required. The student can also talk to children about topics such as neglect, violence and abuse
  • use relevant knowledge to address the needs of children and young people who require treatment and/or services, and safeguard their participation and rights
  • present a summary of the bachelor’s thesis orally or visually (poster or digital presentation)

General competence

The student has

  • an understanding of the basis for and necessity of interprofessional cooperation about and with children, young people and their parents/guardians, and of their own professional contribution to the cooperation**

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods include self-study, group presentations, seminars, practical skills training and lectures.

INTER1300 ‘Interprofessional Cooperation about and with Children, Young People and their Families ‘ includes two common seminar days, digital learning resources and assignments related to interprofessional group work and self-study.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to take the exam:

Compulsory activity:

  • oral group presentation or poster presentation at the bachelor’s conference. The group presents their bachelor’s project, or another project completed during the programme, up to 10 minutes
  • group presentation at a seminar, up to 7 minutes, 3-5 students per group

Coursework requirements for INTER1300:

  • Submitted individual log. Scope: 500 words (+/- 10%). In order to write the log, the student must first attend a seminar over two days.  


Individual oral exam based on patient case histories, up to 20 minutes. The exam paper is handed out two days before the exam.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Logbook from the practical training

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


The oral exam is assessed by two examiners. At least 15% of the exams will be assessed by an external examiner.

Overlapping courses

No overlap with courses in the former programme description.