FYB2000 Physiotherapy for Health Conditions - I Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Fysioterapi ved ulike helsetilstander - I
Study programme
Physiotherapy Programme
20.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2022
Course history


Physiotherapists come into contact with people with unique life stories and different health conditions. The practice of professionally sound physiotherapy requires knowledge about the progression of illness and how illness affects cells, tissue and organs, as well as how to live with injuries, illnesses and/or loss function.This course addresses congenital or acquired injuries and illnesses with different prognoses of the nervous system, respiratory system and cardiovascular system. The competence to decide what measures to initiate to strengthen the patient’s health condition and restore functioning and participation is also contingent on the physiotherapist being able to integrate and critically assess knowledge from different sources. Person-centred physiotherapy also requires an understanding of the patient’s life story, perspective, experience and resources, as well as facilitation for user participation and shared decision making. Through practical training, the students will acquire clinical experience of cooperating with patients.

Required preliminary courses

Passed first year of the programme or equivalent

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence (learning outcomes marked with three asterisks (***) are assessed in connection with the practical training):


The student can

  • describe pathological processes in metabolic conditions and for injuries and diseases of the nervous system, respiratory system and cardiovascular system, and describe casual mechanisms and recognise risk factors
  • explain different clinical conditions and relate them to injuries and diseases of the nervous system, respiratory system and cardiovascular system


The student can

  • establish an alliance with the patient through cooperation and communication***
  • obtain relevant information about the patient’s health condition, personal factors and experience through conversation/subjective assessment and the the examination***
  • give grounds for the choice of methods of examination and standardised assessment tools for persons in different life phases with injuries or diseases in the nervous system, respiratory system and/or cardiovascular system, and how to apply these.
  • discuss and stipulate goals, and plan physiotherapy measures in cooperation with the patient and the practical training supervisor***
  • propose and justify treatment- and rehabilitation methods for people with disease/injuries of the nervous system, respiratory system and cardiovascular system, in different life phases and in cooperation with other relevant professional groups.
  • implement and evaluate planned physiotherapy measures in consultation with the practical training supervisor and explain their clinical reasoning***
  • apply knowledge about mastery and utilise the patient’s resources in supervision and measures***
  • document information in the patient records in accordance with the Patient Record Regulations, and can adjust the patient records on the basis of the feedback of fellow students and lecturers
  • obtain information regarding technical and orthopaedic aids, and, from case histories, justify aid and environmental adaptations to promote movement, activity and participation.

General competence

The student can

  • obtain research-based knowledge related to a clinical issue
  • carry out tasks in line with requirements for professional responsibility, the practical training establishment’s regulations (including clothing, hygiene and infection control) and Norwegian Physiotherapy Association (NFF) work ethics and guidelines***
  • identify and reflect on professional and ethical dilemmas on the basis of experience from practical training and discuss the safeguarding of patient rights.

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods include self-study, group work, seminars, oral student presentations/ communication assignments, skills training, lectures and practical training.

The practical training comprises 90 hours in total, 60 of which are supervised practical training. The remaining 30 hours are set aside to prepare for the practical training.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to receive a final assessment in part 3:

  • a minimum attendance of 80 % in teaching specified as ‘compulsory attendance’ in the schedule
  • an anonymised patient record based on practice experience, prepared according to current criteria


Combined assessment

Part 1) Assessment of practical training: The assessment is based on the learning outcomes marked with three asterisks (***) and the continuous assessment that the student is subject to throughout the practical training period. Scope: 60 hours. The student’s practical training can only be assessed if their attendance is sufficiently high (90 %). For more information, see the general part of the programme description about practical training assessment.

Part 2) Supervised individual written exam, Multiple choice, 1 hour.

Part 3) Individual oral exam, up to 30 minutes.

The student can receive the final assessment in part 1, part 2 and part 3 independently of each other. The student must pass all parts in order to pass the course.

Weighting: One overall grade is awarded for part 2 and part 3 based on the following weighting: Part 2, individual written exam, is weighted 25 %. Part 3, oral exam, is weighted 75 %.

Resit assessment/exam: If a student fails one part of the exam, they must retake the part in question. If the student fails part 1 (practical training period), they must normally retake the whole practical training period.

Students can appeal the grade awarded for part 2, written exam.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Part 1: Not relevant.

Parts 2 and 3: No aids are permitted.

Grading scale

Part 1: Pass/fail

Parts 2 and 3: Grade scale A-F

The grade scale will be stated on the diploma.


Part 1: The midway and final assessments are made by the practical training supervisor, and, if relevant, the contact lecturer. The final decision on whether to award a pass or fail grade is made by the university.

Part 2: An external examiner contributes to the preparation of the exam questions and assessment criteria. The answers is quality assured by an internal examiner and automaticall assessed.

Part 3, oral exam: The oral exam is assessed by two examiners. At least 15 % of the exams will be assessed by an external examiner.

Overlapping courses

5 credits overlap with FYSIO2100 and MENDI2100 and 15 credits overlap with FYSIO2200 and MENDI2300.