FYB1300 Body, Movement and Activity Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Kropp, bevegelse og aktivitet
Study programme
Physiotherapy Programme
15.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


Knowledge about the body, movement and activity is a key aspect of physiotherapy, and in order to promote activity and participation, physiotherapists must be able to use and integrate knowledge about the body and movement rooted in natural science and humanistic knowledge traditions. Physiotherapists must be able to obtain knowledge about the human body and human capacity for movement and activity through the use of quantitative measurements and their interpretation. Physiotherapists must also be able to exercise sensitivity in relation to body and movement as qualitative phenomena. Educational and cooperation skills are core competences in physiotherapy, and the students will practise these skills through supervision exercises and the use of manual techniques.

Physiotherapists also need basic skills in observing and talking to children and adolescents to understand their life and how work with children can be carried out in interprofessional person- and family-centred care. This topic is highlighted in the interdisciplinary teaching activity INTER1100 "The Same Child - Different Arenas", 1.5 credits. See https://www.oslomet.no/forskning/forskningsprosjekter/interactfor a more detailed description of INTERACT.

INTER1100 ‘The Same Child - Different Arenas’ (1.5 credits) is part of the teaching project Interprofessional Interaction with Children and Youth (INTERACT), which takes place across the programmes of professional study at OsloMet. The goal is to increase the quality of the programmes of professional study that focus on children and young people. Through INTERACT, students acquire research-based knowledge about the everyday lives of children and young people, as well as practice in cooperating with students from other programmes. In this way, INTERACT forms the basis for improved coordination of society’s services directed at children and young people and their parents/guardians. INTER1100 ‘The Same Child - Different Arenas’ makes up the first module of INTERACT.

Required preliminary courses

The student must have been admitted to the study programme.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course and INTER1100, the student should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence (INTER1100 addresses the learning outcomes marked with two asterisks (**)):


The student can

  • explain different perspectives on the body and movement
  • explain different theories on motivation and coping
  • explain movement development across the lifespan and describe different theoretical understandings
  • explain different theories on motor learning and control
  • describe standardised tools for measuring physical condition and physical activity, developed for different health conditions and age groups
  • describe what structures are affected by the use of different soft tissue techniques, explain the physiological mechanisms, and explain possible contraindication
  • explain the potential of different body systems for exercise adaptation
  • can explain the process of growing up in a society characterised by social and cultural diversity**


The student can

  • prepare a search strategy and carry out a database search based on a selected issue related to activity and exercise, and document the search strategy
  • use standardised tools for measuring movement development and motor skills, developed for different health conditions and age groups
  • apply principles of exercise in the planning and implementation of individually adapted excercises for fellow students/practitioners, and justify a training plan
  • reflect on their own experience of movement in light of bodily and cultural aspects of movement
  • cooperate with fellow students on the supervision of activities and exercises, and explain the reasons behind a relevant exercise scheme and the educational approach based on a case history
  • carry out manual soft tissue techniques on a fellow student and exercise sensitivity and respect in the interaction
  • use their own body in an expedient manner when carrying out different tasks, and adapt their work techniques and surroundings
  • cooperate with students from other programmes of professional study about relevant challenges in the everyday lives of children and adolescents**
  • discuss and reflect on their own future professional role in interprofessional cooperation with children, adolescents and their parents/guardians**

General competence

The student

  • can administer lifesaving first aid
  • has an understanding of interprofessional cooperation with children, adolescents and their families**
  • can reflect on clinical practice and share experiences regarding co-learning processes with fellow students

Teaching and learning methods

The work and teaching methods include self-study, seminars, group work, skills training, lectures and experience-based practical training. Experience-based practical training takes place in different practical training arenas.

Two seminar days, digital learning resources and conversation and observation assignments related to interprofessional group work and self-study are part of INTER1100 The Same Child - Different Arenas.

Course requirements

The following must have been approved in order for the student to take the exam:

  • a minimum attendance of 80 % in teaching specified as ‘compulsory attendance’ in the lecture schedule programme
  • a minimum attendance of 90 % in experience-based practical training with a scope of 10 days.
  • subject note in groups of 2-3 students based on the development of an exercise plan and instruction of fellow student, 1400 words (+/- 10 %). The subject note will be subject to assessment.
  • course in lifesaving first aid within the past year.

Coursework requirements for INTER1100 ‘The Same Child - Different Arenas’

  • Submitted individual log. Scope: 500 words (+/- 10 %). In order to write the log, the student must first attend a seminar over two days.


Individual practical and oral exam, up to 30 minutes

Permitted exam materials and equipment

No aids are permitted.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


All answers are assessed by two examiners.

An external examiner is used regularly, at a minimum of every third completion of the course. When selecting answers for external evaluation, a minimum of 10 percent of the answers shall be included, with no fewer than 5 answers. The external examiner’s assessment of the selected answers shall benefit all students.

Overlapping courses

4 credits overlap with FYSIO1000, 6 credits overlap with MENDI1000, 1 credit overlaps with FYSIO1100 and MENDI1100, 5 credits overlap with FYSIO1200 and MENDI1200, 5 credits overlap with FYSIO1300, and 3 credits overlap with MENDI1300.