FKH3001 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Art and Design Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Entreprenørskap og innovasjon i design, kunst og håndverk
Study programme
Bachelor's Programme - Specialized Teacher Training in Design, Arts and Crafts
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2023
Course history


The Entrepreneurship and innovation in design, arts and crafts course provides a broad theoretical and practical understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation in teaching and learning processes. The course includes innovation, business understanding, creativity and ability to act. The course is designed for collaboration with external partners from the public sector, education and business. The course is connected to professional conduct and education-practice training.

The course is designed to accomodate international exchange.

Recommended preliminary courses

Passed all previous courses in the program and practical training from the 2nd year of study.

Required preliminary courses

Admission to the program.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence:


The student has knowledge of:

  • entrepreneurship and innovation education in the field of design, arts and crafts
  • key concepts, processes and methods related to entrepreneurship and innovation
  • sustainability and ethical issues concerning entrepreneurship and innovation
  • relevant regulations and framework conditions for establishing a business


The student can:

  • plan, organize and carry out teaching in entrepreneurship and innovation
  • apply and disseminate knowledge about innovation and entrepreneurship processes
  • apply and guide relevant methods and digital tools for creative work
  • identify and analyze information that is relevant for the implementation of entrepreneurship and innovation projects, define and carry out a limited development work within the subject area.

General competence

The student can:

  • work in interdisciplinary teams, build networks and collaborate with external partners
  • evaluate and update the competence for teaching entrepreneurship and innovation
  • communicate opportunities for education- and career choices through entrepreneurship and innovation education
  • apply relevant forms of communication

Teaching and learning methods

The course is organized as problem-based learning through project work in groups of 4-5 students. The groups develop independent solutions and results through participation in the teaching, work with syllabus literature, their own information gathering, problem analysis and project work. An exploratory working method is expected .

Students are introduced to theory and methods that are relevant to the learning objectives in the course, prepareing and supporting active work in problem-based learning:

  • lectures and project supervision
  • participation in relevant, external events that are documented in the project report
  • presentations
  • folder submissions

The expected work includes knowledge sharing, inclusive decision-making processes, academic discussions and mutual critical feedback.

Active participation in the group work is expected. The groups must set up and sign a group contract and cooperate on the basis of this. The groups must keep a project log and document participation from all group members throughout the course.

Course requirements



The course is assessed as a group portfolio exam.

In some cases, students can be instructed to deliver an individual exam.

The portfolio consists of:

  1. A written project report with a scope of 3,000 - 4,000 words, including a didactic reflection.
  2. A reflection on the group's learning with a scope of 500 - 1000 words
  3. Oral final presentation with discussion between the student groups
  4. Portfolio submissions from the course period documented as attachments:
    • team organization, roles and responsibilities
    • the student company's mission statement
    • project plan
    • prosess log
    • sustainability goals for the project
    • documentation of pitches and presentations
    • collected background information and research

The grade can be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All forms of support materials are permitted.

Grading scale

Graded scale A-F


Two internal examiners. An external examiner is used regularly.

Course contact person

Professor Petter Øyan

Overlapping courses

The course overlaps 10 ECTS with FKH3000.