ERGOBPRA3 Occupational Therapy Practice Placement, Part 3 Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Ergoterapeutisk profesjonsutøvelse, del 3
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Therapy
20.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


Occupational therapists work in a variety of arenas. During this period of practical training, a broad selection of practical training placements are offered where students to the greatest extent possible can choose to specialise in a field they are particularly interested in.

It is possible to apply for practical training in new and innovative arenas where occupational therapists do not necessarily already work. Students can also take their practical training as part of a project and link the practical training to the bachelor thesis.

Required preliminary courses

Passed first and second year of the programme or equivalent.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student

  • is capable of explaining organisational and structural factors that affect professional practice at the practical training establishment
  • has knowledge of human rights and ethics and can relate this to the current practical training establishment and its position in the society locally and globally
  • can choose and describe relevant strategies for supervision and management in relation to users, colleagues and other partners
  • is capable of reflecting on how activity analyses can be applied in the development of services in an innovative manner


The student is capable of

  • carrying out systematic activity analyses at individual, group and/or system level, and develop measures that enable participation
  • working in an evidence-based and independent manner on work tasks that are relevant at the practical training establishment, for example mapping, assessment, intervention and evaluation at individual, group and/or system level
  • applying therapeutic and ethical competence in an independent manner in relation to people who are in a learning, coping or change process
  • searching for and assessing scientific literature of relevance for his/her own professional practice
  • using clinical reasoning to develop his/her own professionalism
  • leading groups and meetings with users or colleagues
  • identifying needs for development or new knowledge in occupational therapy related to the practical training establishment, and contributing to academic dissemination of knowledge in relation to this

General competence

The student is capable of

  • taking responsibility for, showing initiative and cooperation skills, flexibility and independence
  • discussing and critically reflecting on ethical dilemmas and practise in accordance with professional ethical guidelines
  • taking the initiative to and contribute to interprofessional cooperation and disseminating occupational therapy competence in this context
  • disseminating and documenting occupational therapy professional practice in writing and orally in the forms and procedures relevant to the practical training establishment
  • assessing and preventing the risk of undesirable incidents and is familiar with methods for following this up in a systematic manner

Teaching and learning methods

The practical training period takes place over twelve weeks and starts with a week’s preparation as part of the programme. During the practical training weeks, the students spend 30 hours at the practical training establishment and the rest on teaching activities in the programme. The students will be assigned a supervisor at the practical training establishment and a contact lecturer at the university. Students who apply to take their practical training as part of a project can have a supervisor with a background other than in occupational therapy. In such case, the contact lecturer will offer closer follow up.

Course requirements

The following must be approved:

  • cooperation agreement with specification of the learning outcomes

An attendance requirement also applies, see ‘assessment of practical training’ in the programme description's main part for more information.


Assessment of placement. The assessment is based on the learning outcomes for the course, the cooperation agreement with specification of the learning outcomes and the formative assessment made of the student during the practical training period.

Students’ practical training can only be assessed if their attendance is sufficiently high (90%). See ‘assessment of practical training’ in the main part of the programme description for more information.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Not relevant.

Grading scale



The midway and final assessments are made by the practical training supervisor and the contact lecturer at the university. The final decision on whether to award a pass or fail grade is made by the university.