ERGOB3000 Global Health, Leadership and Innovation Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Global helse, ledelse og innovasjon
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Occupational Therapy
20.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


In a globalised society in a world that is constantly changing, occupational therapists need competence to think in new ways and develop the discipline in line with society’s needs. Occupational therapists must be equipped to work with people’s health and opportunity for participation, both locally and globally. It is important for occupational therapists to work systematically and independently on projects, and this course will also focus on competence in management and supervision. The course includes topics such as health-promoting workplaces and how occupational therapists can use their expertise to promote a good work environment, both for themselves and others.

The students will also participate in the interdisciplinary teaching initiative INTER1300.

INTER1300 ‘Interprofessional Cooperation about and with Children, Young People and their Families’ (1.5 credits)

INTER1300 ‘Interprofessional Cooperation about and with Children, Young People and their Families’ makes up the third module of the university's teaching project INTERACT.

INTER1300 is about acquiring more awareness and knowledge about how you, as a future professional, can cooperate with other professions about and with children, young people and their parents/guardians. The challenges and opportunities such cooperation presents is one of the topics discussed in this module. Examples from the students’ practical training periods will be a key part of this. In this module, the focus will in particular be on children and adolescents with challenges.

Required preliminary courses

Passed first and second year of the programme or equivalent.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course and INTER1300*, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student is capable of

  • describing R&D work in occupational therapy in relation to public health, health-promoting and preventive work
  • explaining how national and global health and environmental challenges influence the right to occupation and participation
  • describing the role of innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability in occupational therapy to meet the challenges of the future
  • describing management in occupational therapy, including planning, coordination, and financial frameworks for the service
  • describing different interprofessional ways of cooperating in the practical training field*
  • explaining challenges and possibilities in interprofessional cooperation processes*


The student is capable of

  • demonstrating knowledge of ergonomics and adaptation of health-promoting workplaces
  • reflecting on the connection between health, childhood, education, work and living conditions to contribute to the development of good public health and work inclusion for both individuals and groups
  • using tools for innovation and entrepreneurship relating to global health and disseminating the results to an audience
  • applying instructive, resource-oriented and empowering strategies that promote occupation and participation
  • organising supervision and taking leadership responsibility in relation to students and other partners
  • on the basis of his/her practical training, analysing and assessing interprofessional cooperation processes on and with children and young people with challenges*
  • establishing interprofessional cooperation for and with children, young people and their parents/guardians*

General competence

The student

  • is capable of exchanging points of view and experience on equal services, and in this way contribute to the development of good practice
  • is capable of contributing to service innovation, systematic and quality-improving work processes
  • is capable of cooperating with volunteers, individuals and organisations, and other relevant parties
  • has an understanding of the foundations for and the necessity of interprofessional cooperation about and with children, adolescents and their families, and of his/her own professional contribution to the cooperation*

Teaching and learning methods

Work and teaching methods comprise student-driven teaching, project work, lectures, seminars and group work.

Student-driven teaching

The course focuses on developing different skills in supervision and management. The students must be group leaders for first-year students, and provide supervision and feedback on a written assignment that the first-year students submit in the course ERGOB1200.

Students are to present different global health topics in the field of public health for each other in groups using digital stories or other types of digital dissemination.

Project work

The course comprises a project work related to health-promoting workplaces and preventive work in companies. The students themselves must find a company where they can observe and map needs that have been clarified in consultation with the company.

Furthermore, students will work on innovation and professional development through the development of a project and plan an occupational therapy intervention for people in vulnerable situations, focusing on public health and social inequality in health.


INTER1300 ‘Interprofessional Cooperation about and with Children, Young People and their Families ’ includes two common seminar days, digital learning resources and assignments related to interprofessional group work. The students will converse, reflect on and discuss selected cases in groups across the different programmes.

Course requirements

In order to be permitted to sit the exam, the following must have been approved:

  • a minimum of 80 per cent attendance in scheduled teaching
  • completed supervision and group leadership of first-year students, and feedback on their written work
  • digital presentation of a global public health topic in groups of 4-6 students
  • completed project on health-promoting workplaces in groups of 4-6 students.
  • completed project on innovation and sustainability in occupational therapy in groups of 4-6 students

Coursework requirements relating to INTER1200:

  • submitted individual log. Scope: 500 words (+/- 10%). In order to write the log, the student must first attend a seminar over two days.


Individual oral exam, up to 30 minutes.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale



All answers are assessed by two examiners. An external examiner is used regularly, at a minimum of every third completion of the course. When selecting answers for external evaluation, a minimum of 10 percent of the answers shall be included, with no fewer than 5 answers. The external examiner’s assessment of the selected answers shall benefit all students.