EMTS2200 Fluid Mechanics Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environment in buildings
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The course will introduce students to fluid mechanics and thereby give them a basic understanding of calculations needed to address flow problems. Theory will be translated into practical application. Students are expected to acquire basic theory on fluid mechanics and an understanding of how to use this theory in practice in technical contexts. The course forms a basis for understanding the operating principles behind various energy systems, the technical units involved and basic dimensioning of such units. Possible practical applications include dimensioning of components in pipe and cable systems (e.g. radiator systems), pressure loss calculations, emptying of vessels, calculation of forces generated by a water flow.

Required preliminary courses

No requirements over and above the admission requirements.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student can:

  • apply the no-slip condition
  • classify flows and describe laminar and turbulent flows
  • calculate hydrostatic pressure in liquids and corresponding forces on surfaces and buoyancy
  • explain different methods of pressure measurement
  • visualize a flow field
  • use the continuity equation (conservation of mass)
  • use Bernoulli's equation, equation for conservation of mechanical energy
  • calculate forces associated with flow systems
  • analyze flow in pipes, channels, networks. Calculate energy and pressure losses
  • measure flow rates and quantities (mass flow, volume flow)
  • calculate resistance forces (tensile forces) by external flow (flow along surfaces and around bodies)
  • calculate conditions associated with turbomachinery such as pumps and fans


The student can:

  • perform necessary calculations for engineering analysis of fluid engineering problems in practical constructions, including piping systems in buildings and in the rest of nature
  • calculate pressure drop through a pipe or duct system and then calculate the required pump or fan power
  • calculate forces acting between a fluid at rest and a wall, in order to dimension suspension
  • calculate forces acting between a fluid flow and the pipe wall, in order to dimension suspension
  • calculate how long it takes to empty a tank
  • dimension a simple network of pipes/ducts (e.g. radiator system)
  • measure flow rates and volume and mass flow
  • calculate flow resistance for solid bodies moving relative to a fluid
  • choose the right size of pump in a pipe system

General competence

The student can:

  • contribute to the development of new technology based on an understanding of mathematical modeling and the solution of physical problems
  • solve coupled problems related to both fluid mechanics, heat and mass transport and thermodynamics
  • assess whether calculation results are reasonable and the validity of the mathematical model

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, class discussions, exercises and laboratory exercises in groups.

Course requirements

The following coursework is compulsory and must be approved before the student can take the exam:

  • 8 of 12 individual and approved submissions
  • 3 lab assignments in groups


Individual written exam, 3 hours

The exam result can be appealed.

A resit or rescheduled exam may take the form of an oral exam. If oral exams are used for resit and rescheduled exams, the result cannot be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All printed and written aids. A handheld calculator that cannot be used for wireless communication. If the calculator’s internal memory can store data, the memory must be deleted before the exam. Random checks may be carried out.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


One internal examiner. External examiners are used regularly.