DATA3900 Bachelor Thesis Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Study programme
Bachelor in Applied Computer Technology
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information Technology
20.0 ECTS
Year of study
Course history


The students shall develop skills in carrying out, in an independent and systematic manner, an extensive, practically oriented project based on a client’s requirements. The students shall demonstrate that they can translate their knowledge into practical solutions. They shall be capable of applying basic rules for user quality to analysis, design, implementation, interfaces and documentation. They shall be capable of producing satisfactory documentation for computer programs and systems concerning products, operation and use, adapted to the different recipients of this documentation, and of providing an expedient description of their own work process based on given standards.

Required preliminary courses

Students must be registered in the third year and have completed at least 100 credits from the first and second years of the programme by 1 October, before they can write their bachelor’s thesis.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:

Knowledge The student is capable of:

  • explaining how projects are managed and how progress is ensured
  • explaining the different stages of a development project and their importance
  • explaining the structure of final documentation
  • explaining the chosen technical architecture and discussing its advantages and disadvantages

Skills The student is capable of:

  • developing project and work plans
  • setting up development and test environments
  • developing and testing large-scale computer programs in groups
  • evaluate, analyse or develop user interfaces
  • installing a production version of the system
  • preparing final documentation of the project, containing both process, product and user documentation

General competence The student is capable of:

  • cooperating on an extensive computer technology project that culminates in an end product comprising both computer programs and documentation
  • apply knowledge and results from research
  • professional communication both orally and in writing
  • find and critically evaluate relevant literature
  • evaluate ethical - or privacy concerns in projects

Teaching and learning methods

Project supervision. Project work in groups. The groups normally comprise 3 to 4 students. The students shall carry out a project corresponding to the scope of the course, preferably for an external client. Detailed information and deadlines for the different phases of the project work will be provided on the course’s web page and in the teaching plan that is announced at the start of the semester. A selection of workshops and seminars.

Course requirements

The following work requirement is mandatory and must be approved before you can take the exam:

  • A poster with background, method and results so far from the bachelor project. The poster will be presented at IT-Expo. If necessary, minor changes can be made to the poster in advance of the IT-Expo.


A project report in groups (3-4 students).

The project assignment is divided into the four parts ‘product/result’, ‘process’, ‘documentation’ and ‘presentation’. The final grade is given on the basis of an overall assessment of the four parts.

The exam result can be appealed.

The assignment part of the exam can be appealed, if the grades changes as a result of the appeal a new presentation must be held. The presentation part of the exam can not be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment


Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


Two examiners (one internal and one external). 

Overlapping courses

Emnet er ekvivalent (overlapper 20 studiepoeng) med: HO912A.

Ved praktisering av 3-gangers regelen for oppmelding til eksamen teller forsøk brukt i ekvivalente emner.