BYVE3300 Statics Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Civil Engineering
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2022
Course history


The course provides background knowledge for the finite element method (used for trusses, beams and diaphragms), so that the student can understand the structure of finite element method (FEM) software and the limits and possibilities of element analyses. Furthermore, the course teaches the students about capacity calculations for trusses, beams and frames using plastic theory and the second-order theory of deflection.

Required preliminary courses

No requirements over and above the admission requirements.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student is expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student is familiar with:

  • matrix statics and the finite element method
  • second order deflection theory
  • plastic theory


The student is capable of:

  • conducting manual calculations using matrix statics
  • conducting rupture strength calculations for beams and frames based on plastic flow
  • using theory and FEM software to design specific structures, such as trusses, arches, frames, girder lattices etc., that will be exposed to different loads (including temperature loads)

General competence

The student:

  • is capable of explaining the principles of element analysis
  • is capable of critically assessing the results when comparing theoretical and numerical calculations
  • understands the difference between elastic and plastic capacity

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures and exercises.

Course requirements

The following coursework is compulsory and must be approved before the student can sit the exam:

  • 3 of 4 assigment


Individual written exam, 3 hours.

The exam results can be appealed.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

All printed and written aids, and an approved handheld calculator that cannot be used for wireless communication or to perform symbolic calculations. If the calculator’s internal memory can store data, the memory must be deleted before the exam. Random checks may be carried out.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F.


One internal examiner. External examiners are used regularly.

Course contact person

Emrah Erduran