BV1200 Psycosocial persepctives - Childhood and child development Course description

Course name in Norwegian
Psykososiale perspektiver – barns oppvekst og utvikling
Study programme
Bachelor Programme in Child Care and Welfare
10.0 ECTS
Year of study
FALL 2024
Course history


The exam papers are assessed by one internal and one external examiner. At least 25% of the exam papers will be assessed by two examiners. The grades awarded for the papers assessed by two examiners form the basis for determining the level for all the exam papers.

Required preliminary courses


Learning outcomes


The student

· has knowledge of children’s upbringing, childhood, socialisation, learning, formative education and development

· has knowledge of interaction and development-supportive care with particular focus on what promotes good physical and mental health in children

· has knowledge of different forms of parenthood and family life

· has knowledge of different forms of family policy guidelines

· has knowledge of the importance of cultural and socio-economic factors and living conditions to children and young people’s everyday life and development

· has knowledge of communication with children and young people in a diverse society

· has knowledge of how activities/creative methods can be used in relational work with children and young people

· has knowledge of children’s digital lives and can update this knowledge


The student

· can reflect on the importance of cultural and socio-economic factors and living conditions to children and young people’s everyday life and development

· can apply relevant knowledge from children and young people as part of the basis of ensuring their participation and co-determination in their own everyday lives

· can apply knowledge of communication and relationship-building in interactions with children and young people in a diverse society

· can employ activities that promote play, learning, inclusion, mastery and participation

General competence

The student

· has insight into the importance of relational competence in work with children

· can reflect on their own preconceptions, attitudes and values related to children, families and upbringing

Teaching and learning methods

The course is taught through lectures, self-study, group work and other teaching methods as needed, including a mini-practical training period at a school and skills training in communication.

Course requirements

The course has two compulsory activities:

1. Active participation in mini-practical training (Minipraksis).

2. Skills training in communication (Dialog seminar).

The attendance requirement for compulsory teaching activities is 80% and active participation. If a student's absence exceeds 20%, a comprehensive coursework requirement is set to compensate. If a student's absence exceeds 40%, they lose the right to take the exam. Students who do not meet the attendance requirements due to special grounds can apply for dispensation from the course coordinator.

Each student is responsible for ensuring that their attendance is documented. The length of


The course concludes with an individual written six-hour exam.

Candidates who fail or who were absent from the ordinary exam for a valid reason can take a resit/rescheduled exam.

Permitted exam materials and equipment

Publicly approved law collections with notations according to more detailed guidelines are permitted during the exam.

Grading scale

Grade scale A-F


All exam papers are assessed by one internal and one external examiner.